what is your soil? Just a tip for future get a clear solo cup put that inside a red one that way you can see the roots and how wet it is. I don't think they look bad.
And welcome to riu
Are you feeding and what are you using?
I don't know much about cloning but I know you can clone flowering ladies but have to reveg the clone might be worth it I don't know somebody else will have to chime in on it.
Went with quick fix local shop carries it wife made me "pee pouch" in my boxers worked great for 2 different test. Don't have results but I'm confident I passed just can't wait until places are like who cares if you smoke mass weed.
Sad news clones were aborted today they failed and I don't have room for them. My flowering ladies are looking great and my single lady is turning into a monster I've been super cropping I guess you would call it and LST going to net soon.
Single lady
Can you post pics of that plant? What other leaves have burnt brown edges? Indoors outdoors what's the humidity been like and if indoors do you have fans on them?
One more question is the suspected rot gooey or anything smell moldy? It kinda looks like nute burn but not sure I'm curious though.
Update clones are making a come back same with the lady with them she didn't like the light change. The clones I have under a clear tub aware for humidity and the tray is lifted off of the concrete floor.