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  1. Cabrone

    Led supplement for Hps

    I am trying to supplement my Hps. I found this led bar from agromax. I'm not sure if I trust it. 95% output is 400nm-500nm. Sounds great? They really don't give shit for numbers. Ppfd, par ratings, etc are all...
  2. Cabrone

    Freezing Clay Pellets to kill Whiteflies?

    Or bake it in the oven. I was told 400°F for 1 hr. If you are in a cold climate putting outside seems alot easier!
  3. Cabrone

    Pool Shock in Res - Root Rot help

    Try Southern Ag Gff. Blows away hydrogaurd. Same bacteria, Million x more pontent.
  4. Cabrone

    How much UVB to give.

    These are the par maps Shane got when testing with a Solarmeter uv-b tester? This meter measures 280-320nm. Looks pretty solid. Am I believing marketing bs? The spectrum charts are from the manufacturers, the par charts are what Shane got when he tested them.
  5. Cabrone

    How much UVB to give.

    A little back and forth goes a long way! @Doug Dawson and @jimihendrix1, thanks to both of you, I learned alot. Great thread :clap:
  6. Cabrone

    How much UVB to give.

    Migro has new T8-Uvb reflector fixtures out. $75. I believe his recommendation was 2 hrs a day at mid day.
  7. Cabrone

    Jacks 321 vs Masterblend/Calnit/Epsom salt analysis I believe this thread has the numbers you are looking for.
  8. Cabrone

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    Makes perfect sense, different product. Thats what I thought, just making sure I didn't do something wrong.
  9. Cabrone

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    @Renfro, I'm wondering what calcium nitrate you used for the chart. If using the calculator "tool" with jacks cal-nit @ 15% nitrogen and 18% calcium, I get different numbers? I love this calculator, and just want to know if I'm doing something wrong or did I find a glitch? Thank you for all your...
  10. Cabrone

    Cleaning Hydroton, Bleach, H2O2 the Science

    I have been thinking about baking it in the oven, 350°f for 30 min? Then rinse plain water? Chemical free? Sound crazy?
  11. Cabrone

    Anyone using dry potassium silicate? (AgSil)

    Ebb and flow 15-20 ppm
  12. Cabrone

    Anyone using dry potassium silicate? (AgSil)

    The chart I posted in #3 post lists the recommended rates per agsil for different types of feeding. Drip systems, ebb and flow, nft, dwc, etc.
  13. Cabrone

    Anyone using dry potassium silicate? (AgSil)

    Sounds like you are describing the 4, 6, 8, bar fixtures. Quantum boards spread out. Pretty much the same thing right?
  14. Cabrone

    Anyone using dry potassium silicate? (AgSil)

    I missed the important
  15. Cabrone

    Anyone using dry potassium silicate? (AgSil)

    I found these charts in another thread
  16. Cabrone

    Is there like a plate I can set my cloner on to cool down the water??

    You could set the cloner inside of cooler a half full of water. That would act as a much bigger reservoir.
  17. Cabrone

    azamax in hydro reservoir?

    Were you having bug issues, or were you just using it as a preventative?
  18. Cabrone

    azamax in hydro reservoir?

    I had the same question. They do give directions for mixing in a recirculating system.
  19. Cabrone

    Sterile vs bennies in warmer temps

    Here is an old post on mixing a stock solution with pool shock