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    Yes- thank you
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    The blue color is hard to see on my crummy phone camera
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    Thanks for the advice- I had trouble getting seedlings to grow in this group- I believe I made the mistake of flipping to flower based on the size of the youngest plants- this blueberry was an early popper so it was really large and stretched very close to the lights and it is in a 3 gallon...
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    Hi- I have been growing from seed- now running my first group of clones. Last group I was fortunate enough to have my DJ Short F5 throw some pollen- definitely the survival pollen that some plants get late in flower to produce some seeds in hopes of growing again next season. The blueberry plant...
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    Strains you Avoid? and Why?

    Agent Orange THC bomb Both grew huge colas - however they were fluffy-not dense. The agent orange went directly into the bubble hash box. 2 large plants. I was much more fussy about the buds that I put into jars. Any larf fluff and trim goes to make hash- only premium buds get jarred
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    Big Pots = Big Trees, Little Pots = Baby Trees (COCO)

    I use 3 gal with coco/perlite feed 2x daily in fabric pots- drain to waste-They are the correct size for my room to flower 6 at a time- if I did 5 gallons I would probably only fit 3. So for me it helps control my grow to fit my space- plus I like the odds to get get through flower with 6 and...
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    Powdery Mildew

    Beautiful plants- Growing outdoors is tough They look a bit crowded- air flow will help
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    Strains for ADD (inattentive ADHD)

    I strongly recommend making and consuming edibles- I make cookies with cannabutter and add some decarbed bud directly into the dry mix. They are longer lasting than smoking- especially good overnight. If I eat 1 I sleep good- if I eat 2- like a rock. If you are anywhere near the CT coast I would...
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    Questions, defoliation

    My advice- remove fan leaves that are growing towards the center of the plant. This will open it up to get more light penetration- they aren’t doing much but blocking possibly the best bud sites.
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    Next group going

    I guess I need bigger cages- I am going to have to cage and stake from now on- White widow from mnsl
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    Which mineral/nutrient to make frosty crystally buds?

    I use supplements throughout the grow. Early on- myco and soil hume- Then in flower I use black strap molasses a few times- The soil hume replaced Florilicious plus-
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    Drying - is 65% RH too high?

    It needs to hang dry at least 7 -10 days, sometimes 14 depending on your environment.
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    Drying - is 65% RH too high?

    Mold begins to grow at 65% rh You should dry at 60 degrees/60% rh ideally. I like 58%
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    Plants drooping 2 to 3 hours before light out

    “Feed almost every day “ In coco you should be feeding every day- at least. I feed 2x per day in coco with good results. If you’re draining good the wet coco still has around 20% oxygen.
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    Floralicious plus? What's the point?

    I found a product called Soil Hume that has Humic and sea weed- 1/4 the price. Good results.
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    Why are all oscillating fans garbage?

    I use Tornado commercial oscillator used in warehouses. I use a variac to control the speed- it gives me a bit more control than low medium high.
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    Using liquid nukes in soil and growing in 5Gallon buckets.

    Coco is so much simpler- nearly impossible to over water if you have good drainage- Coco/ perlite in fabric pots has given me great results. Feed every time. The plant only gets exactly what you give it.
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    Floralicious plus? What's the point?

    It was good before they changed the formula and it doesn’t have humic acid anymore. Conveniently they didn’t change the description on Amazon- it says it does have humic acid. I don’t think it’s good for hydro- only soil and coco.