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  1. smokey0418

    What TDS/PPM meter do you use?

    using for ph,ec and ppm for a finer look and temp just to see how close the inkbird is .
  2. smokey0418

    What TDS/PPM meter do you use?

    Apera PH60-Z Holds calibration well. Easy to calibrate when needed. Never an issue and it been fully submerged a few times . If I need another , Apera all the way. Can check my salt Level in the pool also.
  3. smokey0418

    MarsHydro tsl2000 2x4 utility tent.

    Ok , don’t shoot the messenger. Dankberry is alive and making a go for it. I don’t see her in a position to help yet so I am working on a substitute. It’s an Anesia product also , Future 1.
  4. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    52 days of flower .
  5. smokey0418

    How do you make the choice from the Marshydro fc6500 & FC8000?

    From the growth I have seen in other journals and platforms, I’m sure the fc8000 would create the deepest penetration out of the MarsHydro bar fixtures.
  6. smokey0418

    High EC leads to dropping PH?

    1-This is a table of stone, or dwc or sorts? 2- ph drops , how far over 12 hrs say? 3- if dwc or sorts , what do your roots look like? 4- imho I would run more calmag closer to 180ppm or .36ec ,my reason is that spring water is .44. ( just an opinion) .
  7. smokey0418

    Pruning Shears Test Invitation

    Running a marathon landrace , so would not be trimming till Octobers end . Scissors for the everything but the heavy stock chops.
  8. smokey0418

    Hey-How do You empty your reservoir?

    Garden hose on the lawn , t’d on my waterfall pump.
  9. smokey0418

    New to hydro and in need of advice

    Looks like it would function. Keep an eye on your screen as flow will restrict once root covers. Enjoy and good luck.
  10. smokey0418

    MarsHydro tsl2000 2x4 utility tent.

    Just an update . It was going well then a couple days later , it went to hell. The other 2 failed to get past a short tail and then the one in the picture. Well it just failed to continue to root in the water so I transferred to promix and it has drooped , then yellowed as if over watered ...
  11. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    Months back after starting this project all the regulars moved out. I did stop by for a visit and they just keep giving to the community.
  12. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    Thank you for your kind words. That would be an interesting process. There are so many ideas out there, like the glycol chiller that I made. Still running like a champ. For many temperature of water doesn’t affect them . What I would like to try, is making a nano bubble maker out of a...
  13. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    Thank you very much. For the most part it does its thing and just try and manage the growth. I had a bit of a root issue on the medium sized plant , with a good dose of orca and bringing the water temp down I have it managed .
  14. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    Everyone is settled in and then started to grow. 46 days
  15. smokey0418

    Phlizon Grow Light: Giveaway + 8% off discount here!

    Congratulations @TCH
  16. smokey0418

    Mars Hydro App update

    Towel is thrown in. I now live in Perth Australia and run my lights through the day. It’s a 12 hr offset that will at least make it work for my application.
  17. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    Small piece broken off and one that’s wilted a bit from to many back and forth’s . Noticed something else going on that I could not see , so worked on that a bit. Instead of pull over its hold me up.
  18. smokey0418

    Panama Red Death rdwc with MarsHydro fce6500.

    And I was hopeful for a Halloween finish , for the smaller two maybe, but the two that are huge, doubtful.
  19. smokey0418

    Mars Hydro App update

    For those that are using the app I noticed an update. The sunrise and sunset mode has been added. There is also a fan and strip control for new items in the works? Still hopefully they can resolve the time function, it’s great if you can run without overlapping days. Enjoy.