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  1. mauricem00

    grow light for 2ft by 4 ft tents

    sorry my morphine was kicking in
  2. mauricem00

    grow light for 2ft by 4 ft tents
  3. mauricem00

    grow light for 2ft by 4 ft tents

    would these work well for a full cycle (seed to harvest) grow light in a 2ft by4ft tent. Ihave 365,385, 425, and 470nm diodes I could use to make a supplemental light
  4. mauricem00

    2x4 tent Growers: LED Suggestions?

    have you considered these
  5. mauricem00

    The penetration of COBs, strips and boards

    intensity has nothing to do with it. beam angle determines penetration. a narrow beam angle will penetrate deeper but the footprint of the light will grow more slowly
  6. mauricem00

    Where have all the good people gone

    I have not used calu weed in 40 years but 2 years ago ILGM started using cali seed banks to get around customs and the quality was so poor that I switched to NIRVANA to get high quality seeds.for a time anyone in cali could become a commercial grower for a low fee. but in nevada and other...
  7. mauricem00

    Best T5 4 foot for flowering

    looks like you will be using those as supplmental lighting in an HPS flowering room so you may whwnt to drop a couple of these in there to improve potency and taste
  8. mauricem00

    LED grow lights or T5

    these are another good option to mix with 6500k been using them for 5 years and see a slight improvement in yeild with no decline in taste or potency.4000k bridgelux strips produced the...
  9. mauricem00

    LED grow lights or T5

    what ther are calling uv is near UV (405nm). there is no evedence that this has the same effect of UVA you still need a MH or T5 bulb to get useful UV
  10. mauricem00

    Help with led light please ?

    yes you want about 50 watts/sq ft. to flower well with HPS
  11. mauricem00

    Help with led light please ?

    seems like you would need 2-1000 watt HPS lights to flower in that much space...
  12. mauricem00

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    i learned a lot about growing with t5s from him.i respect his knowledge.
  13. mauricem00

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    a well known grower here is using 5000k led flood lights with UV bulbs and a 450nm led strip light very little red. did you find any evidence that UV or violet promoted flowering?
  14. mauricem00

    Led Users Unite!

  15. mauricem00

    Led Users Unite!

    I would go with CMH to add UV
  16. mauricem00

    The Leprechaun's Pot O Gold

    how efficient are those chinese flood lights?
  17. mauricem00

    THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

    those test would suggest that 415nm light are as effective as reptile bulbs. since those diodesdrive phospher only a small amount of their energy is emitted as 415nm. what percentage of you UV boards is 415 nm
  18. mauricem00

    LED recommendation for 1'x3'x3' early veg

    have you considered these they are availale in white (6500k) yellow (3500k) and pink 450nm/660nm) and they have good reviews. I am considering using the 4ft pink bulbs as pontoons on my T5s to replace the 660nm bloom bulbs I'm currently...
  19. mauricem00

    New CRI95 board. Help to choose

    they do have a great spd and like all leds the efficiency should improve and the price should drop. this may become the next generation of grow lights. with a 420nm "pump" they should drive chlorophyll A to PSII stimulation acting more like full sunlight.this technology is not ready for prime...
  20. mauricem00


    most commercial growers use them but whatever you use you will have heat issues