HLG=Hyped LED Grow...
Just fucking around. They did pull a fast one. I got 11 hlg550v2 and a scorpion going right now...I'm glad they paid for themselves lol..One thing I can say is they have excellent customer service.
Today Clearwater said GLO rips people off, and isn't an official vendor. I've never had any issues with them...Wonder what happened??! Damn, it makes not wanna order anymore:/ They had some damn good prices too...Fuck!
Growing out some Jelly Delicious & Mochisicle. Got the honey comb hideout smelling like grape jam..Haven't had fruity terps in awhile..I'll snap pics later...
Happen to me too man. I received an icc & cherry pie from reputable member in this thread....They both had hlvd...Infected everything. Had to start over from scratch. It's a major pain in the ass, especially if you're perpetual...
You might have the transparent root aphids that you can't see. They are the worse one's you can have....Azosol, bioceres, and deep cleaning saved my rooms. I tried everything in the book!!