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  1. Y

    What is going wrong with my four weeks old outdoor auto

    I have put 5 tablespoons of gaia green 4-4-4 with 5 tablespoons of gaia green 2-8-4. My super soil is from mr. Canucks (Matts) witch is promix hp, worm castings gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 with mikos. And my plant as been very well in this soil for a month and all of sudden it changed to that in...
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    What is going wrong with my four weeks old outdoor auto

    I am putting water only with a ph at 6.00 every 2 days or as soon that it is dry.
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    What is going wrong with my four weeks old outdoor auto

    Yes, I have thought about that. I have this spray bottle. Should I use it on my plant?
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    What is going wrong with my four weeks old outdoor auto

    Please help me. I don’t know what to do for saving my young Girl Scout cookies outdoor auto plant. The top leaves are dying (see photos), the edge and the tips of the top leaves are burning. It could mean so many different things like nutrients burning or bugs, over or under watering, light...
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    My beat up little girl finally made it. With the hard life I gave her she still gave me some little buds. Nothing great. My conclusion is to go very easy with autoflowers, dont chock them and dont believe all they say on the web. WHAT A BIG JOKE !!
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Enfin un français, tu est de quelle région? Tu dis que je pousse mal, veux-tu dire que je ne sais pas comment faire pousser du pot? J’aime bien apprendre les bons et nouveaux trucs et avoir l’opinion des autres. Sur le web il y a de très bon cultivateurs qui donnent de très bons conseils. oui
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Come on man, be a bit more serious, stop your games and stay in the subject. As-tu compris, pis niaise-moé pas le monde!!
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Excuse my French. What is trolling, I can’t find the traduction on Translate.Google and why are you saying that?
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    The second flush was done with only 3 liters, the water came out clean from the bottom so I stopped. 3 days ago just a day before my second small flush, I brought it in my shed and took out as much soil i could to take out some wetness and to check the roots, they are nice without rots. In about...
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    Do I need the leaves to turn yellow before harvest

    I would like to know if I can harvest even if I don’t have yellow leaves. I did a flushing but all my leaves are still very dark green. How long before they turn yellow? Thanks for your help.
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Is your plant now dry? Mine is now dry and did another flush, the water dripping from the bottom is now clear. Now I want my leaves to turn yellow before I harvest, the leaves are now very dark without any yellow and the trichomes are clear, milky without any amber, so the timing should be good...
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    My big concern was my soil not drying fast enough. Because I said the word flushing I started a debate on flushing, some do believes and don’t. Everybody has different opinions.
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Just let me think and do whatever I want. Respect
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Yes, we have the same issue. I first flushed it exactly 8 days ago and still not dry enough for a second flush. Like yours, my meter says dry for the top of the soil and in the bottom it says normal and wet at some places. I am putting this plant in my shed with a small heater all night and...
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    The weed should be harvest in about two weeks if the timing is good.
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Do you watch that kind of shows? You must be a really young guy and are really putting koolAid as nutrients in your soil? Where have you got this idea?
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    What the hell are you talking about
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    I have a few more plants so I can take a few to experiment all kind of things. There’s no rush with this plant, I will harvest whenever it’s ready. I want to see some yellow leaves and the color of the tricomes in clear, white and amber before I harvest.
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    What about this practice? I am shure that you think that I am kind of stupid but read more about it, try new things, especially when you have a dozen plants. I am a curious old man that is always trying new practice. By the way my soil is now dry, just ready for another flush.
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    My soil is still wet after more than a week in cold weather

    Here’s a picture of the tricomes.