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  1. mytwhyt

    Perpetual with DWC, Chilling Strategy?

    I used frozen water bottles for my igloo,led grow thread... Worked great, but what a pia it was... It also convinced me to buy a 1/10 hp chiller.. Insulating everything lets me run 3 waterfarms at a time...
  2. mytwhyt

    Need Tray for Drainage to put under Smart Pots

    Home depot has 24"x36"x6" cement mixing trays, 21 gal. $13.00... also a smaller 18"x24" tray... Edit Sorry missed the no HD part... Try to google vacuum formed plastic trays... Somebody must be making large trays...
  3. mytwhyt

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    Would that could show you the quality of my compassion.... I admit i do get ,maybe it's called emotional, when i put a gun to a good dogs head....
  4. mytwhyt

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    I agree, our government is just too expensive.... But then we have to except that, if we insist on having the best politicians money can buy...
  5. mytwhyt

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    Dumb shit, why does it matter how they worship?? Judeo/Christian salvation is pie in the sky anyway you cut it.... I do believe Moses was involved with burning some kind of bush on that mountain... Right there is what it kills it for me.... The story he told sounds more like mushrooms .... I...
  6. mytwhyt

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    The JWs like me, i talk to them till they give up and leave, and i never set the dogs on them... I get the WT free, and never refuse it.. Although i never tell them i use it to start fires in my wood stove.... What brings out your hate for the JWs.... They don't deserve disparagement like that...
  7. mytwhyt

    "If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

    DF, Wonder what take these people have on climate change, and El Nino?? "Vast areas in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are being hit by the worst flooding in 50 years.. Not much they can do on a personal level to change it... The ones that might help say, "It's not my job man.." Then...
  8. mytwhyt

    DIY versatile hydro setup!

    It is no big deal to Crop King Seeds..... I have a friend in Colorado who orders from 303-Seeds, for me... Some strains regularly measure over 30% thc... Their Danky Kong and Jabberwocky are my favorites...
  9. mytwhyt

    Dry nutrient help

    They did change the FloraNova Bloom formula by removing the 3% citric acid it contained that acted as a buffer... It's off the label now... GH won't respond to any of the e-mails i've sent, asking if they replaced it with anything else.... Same price now as before, just an increase in the...
  10. mytwhyt

    Dry nutrient help
  11. mytwhyt

    DIY versatile hydro setup!

    Remember this, it applies to everything, It doesn't matter If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right.. [wish i'd said that].
  12. mytwhyt

    what to do with dry ice scraps?

    At first i thought you meant dry ice scraps... This was brought to mind by the question...Although, not an answer to your question, here's an idea of what to do with leftover dry ice scraps.... Put the dry ice in a garbage can with any plants you suspect may have mites or whatever... Don't put...
  13. mytwhyt

    DIY versatile hydro setup!

    Check with Dr Fish on 420 for a few different mods to waterfarms..
  14. mytwhyt

    DIY versatile hydro setup!

    This is the thread that got me addicted to waterfarms.... I've refined the basic waterfarm with a few mods to suit the way i grow... ....
  15. mytwhyt

    Ultimate GH Waterfarm Mods

    With a single pumping column in the reservoir, it'lll take 2 hours to move 12 gals through the daisy chained waterfarms... Do you think the plants will take up nutrients that fast??
  16. mytwhyt

    Transplanted Clones Wilting and Yellowing in WaterFarm

    I'm sure you're right, transplant shock, then too much love at 600 ppm probably didn't help... sucks no pics..
  17. mytwhyt

    Ultimate GH Waterfarm Mods

    Drill 4 13/16 holes opposite the sight tub holes, these are for water out of each wf.. The sight tube holes become the water supply holes from the reservoir.. From wf to wf... it's all barbs and grommets... You loop the last wf back to the reservoir.... For what happens there my best answer is...
  18. mytwhyt

    Ultimate GH Waterfarm Mods

    I'll be glad when they find the first part of this thread.... and the pics.. I may have already responded at the beginning of the thread.....
  19. mytwhyt

    Bubbleponics/DWC top fed seedling issue HELP

    By now you should be at 400-450 ppm on the nutes alone, plus the ph corrected start ppm water... I say this not being able to see any pics on the entire thread.....