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  1. D

    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    For all of those who can look past the BS Both of these products work VERY well. Dont listen to certain members "feelings and emotions" when they have ZERO experience with them. I will post some side by sides of quite a few strains taken from the same mothers with and without bushmaster...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Poor "OLD" Unclue Ben.... No one will listen while he throws his little tantrums on a pot forum ..... You are just sad now ... I suppose you rub two sticks together to make fire instead of wasting $ on gimmicks like matches or lighters ... lol
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    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Actually that is exactly what I did on all those pics I posted up previously. When you crowd you ladies the way we do it helps a lot.
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

  5. D

    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    You know Unclue Ben you really are acting more and more like a complete clown. You have really lost virtually any credibility you may have ever had on this forum with anyone that has read any of these recent threads. Bravo my friend bravo ..... Good job sinking your own boat. Bricktop I can...
  6. D

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    Reverse has worked for a strain I have that ALWAYS goes hermi on me and badly. Love the strain but half the time it is ruined because of this. I spray with Coco wet which is $5 for a small bottle but you only need 1/2 tsp a gal. I spray first day of 12/12 and again at 10 days. That strain no...
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    That heater for $105 is battery powered FYI in case you didnt know. I would prefer drain to waste too myself. Would be easier, cleaner and cooler. If it only uses like 20-30 gal a day would be no big deal.
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    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Youd actually get higher yields most likely. LSTing to get max yield takes time to get good at. I think the SOG would be easier for you to get the higher yields you want. I went from bigger pants and LST to the smaller plants in SOG. If you have 40 plants all you have to do is get an ounce a...
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    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    LTS has its place and would work well for you I am sure. Personally I like having the plants being smaller and easy to work on. Easier to get yields with a SOG as well. LTS you need to veg a lot more and just isnt as efficient. I think you will get the highest yields the fastest with a SOG...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    LOL, by posting up a QUOTE from YOU, is somehow attacking ? Funny how sensitive you are when its your thread but show ZERO respect for everyone elses threads. Talk about hipocricy .. I made a post to make a point. I was actually nice about it and only posted your oen damn words in there. LOL...
  11. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Sorry you had to see some of that. Gravity is for later bloom to help pack on weight. Bushmaster will stop the stretch dead in its tracks. I love the stuff. Even im hydro if you have some plants bigger then others which you always do, you can just dip the tall plants in a gallon bucket mix...
  12. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    No problem and happy to help give you some ideas. Yes you can drag and drop from veg to bloom in hydro. I do anyway. I use 5 inch pots. Wait do you mean for the nutrients ? So you have 15 plants finishing at a time every 4 weeks but have about 30 plants in bloom. What is your total bloom...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    So do lots of other people myself included . You dont see us crapping all over his threads though do you ? Gets old, very very old and ruins what this site is all about.
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Anyone here see that movie Grumpy Old Men ? Just wondering =)
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    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Another thing I would highly recomend is switching to ebb and flo hydro. Seems a little intimidating at first but with high numbers it is the EASIEST way to go. I change the water once week but you can go longer so no worrinying about if you need to water or not. No drip lines etc etc. No...
  16. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Just looked at your pics and the plants look healthy so I'd say your gentics and nutrients are good. By going to the smaller plants as I outlined you can easily double or triple your yields. Just flip the plants when they are looking strong and really starting to grow. For me its from 7-10...
  17. D

    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Way to TOTALLY dismiss what ther poster's experience was with this product. As for the "conmen" comment. As far as these two products go that couldnt be the furthest from the truth. These two items work EXACTLY as advertised and literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people from every pot forum...
  18. D

    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Unclue Ben why dont you try to actually contribute to a thread for once ? Maybe have experience with a product before you claim to know what its all about. All you are doing is cluttering it up with bullshit you know NOTHING about. You are posting about your feelings towards these products...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    LOL coming from the guy who said not to ever spend over a dime on nutes. ...... I guess 110 for a snake oil PGR is okay though benny boy ? You know you are so completely negative in almost every thread. You seem to have so much anger and hate in you, I just dont get it. You just dont know how...