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  1. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I only do hempy as I will want to transplant my mums outdoors at some point, they are brilliant though, got rid of some of the CFL's and my clone have taken off I gave them to much light and they weren't rooting as well as they should have now they got good roots they are exploding almost an...
  2. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hnag on is it in bris or sydney?
  3. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'd like too, bit of a hike though.
  4. C Iranian Auto Flower! Iranian OG Kush Endless Sky

    Only ever heard good things, I want his Iranian auto so I can have something during the summer months to tide me over.
  5. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    As informative as he is it hurts my brain.
  6. C

    mad! Growing is banned in my area!

    Everytime I read a bust article about cananda I want to move their more, pity my profession is not on their needed list and citizenship may be a little difficult. Can you get tri citizenship?
  7. C

    Guerrilla Guide

    Easier still is to use soda bottles with the top mostly cut off then taped back together.
  8. C

    Going to write the Ultamate Gurrlia Guide(maby a book)need a little help

    Somthing I learned after lugging hundreds of pounds of soil to grows try to base your mixes on perlite and unexpanded coco, far easier to carry to a growsite than soil. Use a service to be 100% sure of daylight hours and hwen they shift down to cause flowering and use a online latitude/sun...
  9. C

    Going to write the Ultamate Gurrlia Guide(maby a book)need a little help

    I am blind to it I didn't notice till it was pointed out.
  10. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Really? dope seeds and gypsy have always been 3 days or less.
  11. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    No seedbanks in aus. dope-seeds gypsynirvana Attitude seedsman herbies planetskunk (can deposit into an australian account) all off the top of my head ship to aus I have used most and many on here have used all or some. Gypsy is the fastest (by my account) 2 days if ordered at night to your door.
  12. C


    Yes, also bad time to be starting rain every second day and plants will begin flowering in a month or so, I would suggest vegging indoors then placing outdoors for flowering on a northerly facing site getting as much sunlight as possible. and if your life from about sydney up you can grow all...
  13. C

    transporting plants to site

    How big are they? You can use bottles with the tops cut off into a hinge and taped back up for smallish clones.
  14. C

    My new Wardrobe Grow

    A more adaptable and larger light system and safer to boot, is a string of party lights thats what I use for my cabinet.
  15. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Short of the bubble cloner I never could get roots in jiffy pellets or rockwool, also Odlaw these are for the basis of my winter crop they will be put outside in a week or two when they get to ~ a foot where they will be put into my soil mix and the coco/perlite will be used as a buffer.
  16. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    QUick question guys never grown from clones before how developed should the root be in the bubble cloner before transfering to coco/perlite then a soil mix?
  17. C

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Well I got my clones into my hempy pots, I intend to take a dozen or so clones and take them out at the end of feb and plant them as autumn is hitting, that'll give them ~6 weeks of veg time before they go into flower, I may be able to delay their flowering with solar lights for up to a month...
  18. C

    Soil Bed and Amending Soil

    Clay, Loam and sand are not bad, Mix in some coco, and some composts, a bag of perlite for drainage, a bit of gyspum, and some dolomite lime and let it sit for a few weeks and settle in, this will break up the clay and condition the soil and increase the drainage capabilities. This is the...
  19. C


    I bought their KC36 and I am very impressed all 10 sprouted 7 females the 3 that survived (goddamn floods) are growing very well, consistent pheno's it seems over the last 2 years he's really stabilised his seed stock. Looking to have a go at either kc33 or afghani, but will likely go with Dr...
  20. C

    is this really rthe best way to do it ??????????????

    No. though it is the easiest and most foolproof imo.