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  1. MasterSweets

    Does anyone use 1000w DE (Non ducted) lamps with 8 foot ceilings? I'm curious about dimming ballasts.

    Yes exactly that. Thanks for the input! The way I learned to grow and have been for the last 4 years doesn't give me the ability to get my plant height down low enough for the recommended bulb to canopy distance. Now I could throw this all to the wind and try to grow a completely new way but...
  2. MasterSweets

    Does anyone use 1000w DE (Non ducted) lamps with 8 foot ceilings? I'm curious about dimming ballasts.

    Right now I have just finished framing in walls for my veg and flower. I'm about to start getting into electrical work and can't decide on 1000w or 750w lamps. The price between the two units is negligible so that isn't a factor. I'm having trouble finding concrete info on the downsides to...
  3. MasterSweets

    Do not use "organocide"

    Outdoor grower here. I know this is a dead thread revitalized but I did a quick google search to see if anyone had experimented with or tried Organocide mixed with neem in a single spray and this thread popped up number one. Just want to give my experience with the product. The fact that OP...