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  1. AlGore

    $25 per seed.... LOL at 303 seeds. Fucking chumps.

    Hey! I saw a promotion for these!
  2. AlGore

    What dispensary has good clones?

    Denver and Boulder or both good areas too. I do like the med only down here tho.
  3. AlGore

    What dispensary has good clones?

    So, I thought this was a different thread, lol... First of all, I wouldn't talk about trading in open posts. Second, I have clones ready. No remuneration expected or required. And as I understand it, that is the only way to be 100% legal thanks to all the special interests. As for the...
  4. AlGore

    What doctors still give 99 plant counts for legitimate reasons?

    Just curious, but why wont you say where?
  5. AlGore

    Upper Fan Leaves Yellowing - Week 4-5

    Doesn't N def usually start at the bottom of the plant? I'm thinking its a zinc issue although I don't really see how, or what to do about it exactly. I topped dressed 2 days ago and gave her a good watering. Also, I've never had fan leaves start to fade this early. Started near the end of week 4.
  6. AlGore

    Upper Fan Leaves Yellowing - Week 4-5

    Hey all, 10 Gal Smart Pots, Sensi Sci Orgnaic Super Soil. I supplement with Vegamatrix. My Tahoe OG started yellowing some last week(around the end of week 4). So I fed her some Vegamatrix one day that week. Like 10ml/gal grow, bloom, and boost. She has continued to yellow but it's only the...
  7. AlGore

    Petition to Stop Using 'Extract' and 'Concentrate' Interchangeably.

    I disagree. I guess my issue is with the semantics of calling it, "cannabis" concentrate. It is cannabis extract and may contain a "concentration" of cannabinoids.
  8. AlGore

    What doctors still give 99 plant counts for legitimate reasons?

    Yea, Med Eval Clinic. I realize there are plenty of people willing to pay for plant counts. It's just a damn shame. I went to Dr. Cohen in Denver, they give up to 24 extra for $25.
  9. AlGore

    New Dispensary in Denver?

    - Nothing over 160/oz, most stuff is less, around 120/oz.... I'm not saying price determines quality every time, you can sometimes find some KILLER 125/oz deals on terpy buds that make great rosin but arent the best looking or most potent. But usually you can base it off of their price scale...
  10. AlGore

    What doctors still give 99 plant counts for legitimate reasons?

    Hey, found a spot in the springs for renewal for myself and my 70yo mom. But they wanted $250 for up to 24 plants and $500 for up to 99. So basically if you want to pay for your plant count, regardless of how medically nessarly you are. They even tired to BS my mom and say that they are one of...
  11. AlGore

    New Dispensary in Denver?

    Way ahead of you, playa....
  12. AlGore

    Petition to Stop Using 'Extract' and 'Concentrate' Interchangeably.

    I believe when talking about pretty much every form of hash oil, the term, "extract" is correct and, "concentrate"doesn't quite fit. The example I like to use is Orange Juice. Juice is EXTRACTED from oranges, you are left with the juice and the pulp and peel, etc. the Juice can then be made...
  13. AlGore

    New Dispensary in Denver?

    I miss out on nothing, sir.
  14. AlGore

    New Dispensary in Denver?

    Sorry, I learned my lesson about any company containing the word, "concentrate." To answer your follow up question, they all suck, lol. Probably because they don't know the difference between a concentrate and an extract. OP, I think this is all you need to know, "They are running an ad for...
  15. AlGore

    What doctors still give 99 plant counts for legitimate reasons?

    I have never heard of 99 plants in CO. My step mom has cancer and went to Dr. Kohen, he gave her 24 plants, same he gave me, because he knows that some places will "take" up to 24 plants from you for a good discount.
  16. AlGore


    It's all over the place really. Some brands are really inconsistent on the dosing as well. 5 - 15 cents per mg is a good estimate on dispensary edibles. (Med prices, I dunno on Rec)
  17. AlGore

    Genetic Preservation Society - aka CSH2.0 aka RHESA.

    Who's arguing? This is a discussion, friend.
  18. AlGore

    Genetic Preservation Society - aka CSH2.0 aka RHESA.

    The thing I find the most funny/ironic is.... Well besides the fact that a moderator is bitching about and "has better things to do" than moderate the forum. lol.... Is that you can open ALOT of threads and throw a dart and hit someone offering or asking for stuff. AND there are threads that are...