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  1. ganjafather27

    First ever grow, all organic, vertical doughnut bare bulb set up

    Hello, all, I decided to start a grow log for informational purposes and to get assistance from any willing and generous experienced growers. Feel free to post any advice or anything. This is my first ever solo grow. I've educated myself but could definately use some positive advice. My...
  2. ganjafather27

    vertical cool tube cooling

    Hey guys, I am looking for a little advice on an idea that I have. I am setting up a couple vertical 600 watt cooltubes in my grow room... I went out and bought a REAL nice cool tube, removed the reflectors and what not. There is a big sticker that came with the cool tube that states that it...
  3. ganjafather27

    How big of a fan is need for 600w vert cool tube?

    Cool, thanks for the replies. Just to make sure I've got it right, I will have the carbon filter inside the grow room and I should go carbon filter -> fan -> cool tube -> outside?
  4. ganjafather27

    How big of a fan is need for 600w vert cool tube?

    Oh, I see. I haven't ran a filter before using hoods and everything has been fine. Smell is not a problem where I live, so do I need to buy an expensive carbon filter or is there a less expensive option?
  5. ganjafather27

    How big of a fan is need for 600w vert cool tube?

    Since I am not running a filter should I just go fan>cool tube. I'm having the duct run from the cool tube to a 6" sewage pipe. Is it necessary to buy a nice, expensive fan for this or will a cheap one do fine?
  6. ganjafather27

    How big of a fan is need for 600w vert cool tube?

    I am switching over to a vertical setup and am wondering how many CFMs my fan will need to cool one 600w cool tube. What is the bare minimum and what is recommended? Thanks.
  7. ganjafather27

    Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

    Are you talking about for flowering? And should I veg with just grow? Also should I get the pro-tekt, homebrewer?
  8. ganjafather27

    Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

    Can someone give me some advice? I plan on using DG in either coco or soil Would one be better than the other? Also what would be the best products to buy. I was thinking FP, protekt and mag pro for veg but I am confused about bloom because I see people recommending to not use the bloom...