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  1. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    im tossing it though...
  2. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    yeah i won't be buying anymore in the future... i had a bag i purchased from BAS a couple of years back and a place i go to in GV gave me two bags for free. So i figure its ok to use it until its gone.
  3. coughphee.connoiseur

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    tru fuck it I'm tossing it..... if it were just the white mold that looks kinda cool .... id keep it but the blue/gray i just can't chance it.... i think the plant would be ok fi sure but idk about consuming a plant fed with such a thing... when in doubt throw it out is the rule i suppose. i...
  4. coughphee.connoiseur

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    @v.s one Lol does a like mean its good to use and thats what it is suppose to be doing? maybe should i just skip the mold spores off the top? Or toss it completely?
  5. coughphee.connoiseur

    The NEW Gage Green info thread

    Has anyone made here made grokashi teas? If so i have a couple of questions and request for help about something please. I started a brew as followed by the packaging... its been in fermentation mode for 72-96 hours min/max and was getting ready to apply today.... had been checking everyday...
  6. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    Has anyone made here made grokashi teas? If so i have a couple of questions and request for help about something please. I started a brew as followed by the packaging... its been in fermentation mode for 72-96 hours min/max and was getting ready to apply today.... had been checking everyday...
  7. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    B.A.S. will send you some... if you can't find anyway i had to go through them at 1 point. If your close to GV its few sources there for both and great product. Or Sac town has a place.
  8. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    Oh fi sure... tru i do remember reading that from cootz .... i stopped bubbling awhile ago just soak for some fermentation... i just wanted to try it with the grokashi one time ...
  9. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    Oh fi sure, i know all about that.... thats why i asked if you ran to end because i was going to suggest maybe not doing so .... but didn't want to assume you did and or come off all pushy and shit. I don't even run 1500ppms anymore i try to match it with the ppfd/umol... really not running co2...
  10. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    Say word........ so the malted barley....( i have some on deck but will need more fi sure).... pretty come comes equipped like the grokashi almost just cheaper.... ? makes sense if so because the smell of grokashi brews is very similar to the malted barley brews and they bubble up excessively...
  11. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    Nice set up..... How many ppms co2 you pumping? do you cut back at the end of harvest..?
  12. coughphee.connoiseur

    Organic powdery mildew solution ??

    did you notice any difference in yields.... at the end of the day it doesn't matter because u pulled through stress free of bullshit mold just curious if you noticed a difference with your yield due to more of the blue spectrum. I thought about using 10k all the way through long time ago ...
  13. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    MI guan.... Thenk yuh fi dis info. Yuh sprout yuh corn first ye? teas an all ye? Im rocking grokashi through out veg and flower fi sure.... get a few bags pon ice...
  14. coughphee.connoiseur

    secret of healthy soil: carbon hoarding

    @MistaRasta Please allow me to pick your brain a bit for a short moment. So 1/8 cup of malted barley ( already to go and sprouted) in a custom 2x2 soil bed for top dress a ok? or little more or a little less you think? Id say it holds about 1 cubit foot of soil. Also vegging 2, 3 & 4 weeks...
  15. coughphee.connoiseur

    Go Green LEDs Cree CXB3070 grow lights

    decent light runs hella hot though. PLC or Tasty LED
  16. coughphee.connoiseur

    First organic grow

    @Rasta Roy is most likely dead on with the nitro toxicity. pretty much any grow i have seen with new batches of organic soil grows always kinda high in (N) no-one waits long enough to compost (cook). Hell i have even seen small signs of nitro toxicity when the soil was aged well.. CEC was...
  17. coughphee.connoiseur

    First organic grow

    definitely hard to tell..... due to the blurple lighting
  18. coughphee.connoiseur

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Will most likely go with the standard earthbox's and city boxes, think ill be doing half/half of each to maybe compare i guess... the city boxes hold just a little less water. Yes definitely as peace of mind for the pre built. I plan on creating my own in the near future. This particular...
  19. coughphee.connoiseur

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Thanks for all the replies guys, @ttystikk ahhhhh sorry to hear that but its a good thing you can have humor about it. @Evil-Mobo.... I originally was thinking to do the same thing months ago, im out voted though so we are going with earth boxes & city pickers ... @Humanrob thanks for the...