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  1. ZoBudd

    When the Lights Are Off During Flower - Is there a color of light to use

    Green. Got it. I prefer to leave them alone, but I when I miss their time with lights on for a day or 2, I want to be able to check on them and stay as close to my current water and nute schedule as possible. Thanks!!!
  2. ZoBudd

    Seedlings - is this young hunger or something more sinister?

    That purpling could be a phosphorus def. Look here: A common "symptom" of a cannabis phosphorus deficiency is red or purple stems. It's important to remember that some cannabis strains naturally grow with red or purple stems even when...
  3. ZoBudd

    is this natural or should I be bummed

    Unfortunately, damaged leaves don't recover back to their former selves. Just keep an eye out for signs on any new leaves. The spots should stop showing up by 2-3 days after the calmag.
  4. ZoBudd

    Is this nute burn?

    What nutes are you using. Those brown spots look like a Ca deficiency.
  5. ZoBudd

    Plant deficiencies

    2 other things I do help recovering plants are: 1) remove leaves with 50% or more damage. They won't recover, and they are breeding grounds for pests and mold; 2) Give them a nice coconut water and aloe foliar feed. It just helps to make them happy while they are recovering.
  6. ZoBudd

    Plant deficiencies

    I agree that it looks like it's over nuted. Yes, flush now. Also, just a thought, because it looks like it's suffering from some heat stress. Check the temp and humidity right where she sits to rule out a hot corner or spot, In addition to the height of your lights, other factors like...
  7. ZoBudd


    I'll put my few cents on thrips. They are a real pain in the ass. There are all sorts of products to get rid of them, but I use neem oil.
  8. ZoBudd

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Do you have it in a window? If so, looks like it's bending toward the light (photosensitivity). Turn it around a couple of times a day.
  9. ZoBudd

    When the Lights Are Off During Flower - Is there a color of light to use

    When the lights are off during the 12-12 flowering phase, is there a color of cfl lightbulb that I can use without disrupting the plants cycle? I'd like to be able to check on them once in a while. zo
  10. ZoBudd

    Plants randomly died overnight?

    Curious case. Another idea: check that part of the grow space for anything that might be off. airflow, heat, light or a combo of them. They remind me of my zucchini after the squash beetles suck the life out of them.
  11. ZoBudd

    leaves yellowing and spotting

    I've used the GH Organic Grow box before. Are you using all of the nutes? At the recommended rate or other? She really looks like she has a Calcium and probably Magnesium deficiency. But overall she looks rather sad. What is your CO2/ventilation schedule and what ppm?
  12. ZoBudd

    Sick Indica Hybrid

    Peace Friend. I'm LOL. I just happened to be browsing the tga website last night!!!!! I should have waited a day to see how many "diagnoses" you got!!!!!!
  13. ZoBudd

    is this natural or should I be bummed

    It's a Ca deficiency. Keep giving them calmag. Also, those tiny white patches could be the beginning of some powdery mildew from the pics. You've got to get that humidity down. good luck zo
  14. ZoBudd


    I may have missed it, but what is the actual temp in this space. Also, in my experience, it's easy to over water a plant that has burned. Gotta remember that they've lost a lot of their ability to transpire.
  15. ZoBudd

    Sick Indica Hybrid

    I found a pic that looks remarkably similar just sayin.....
  16. ZoBudd

    Deformity mabye?

    one more thought if you want to be extra diligent. Use a magnifier and take a really good look under and around that leaf just to make sure there's not a critter involved.
  17. ZoBudd

    what causes leathery leaves?

    Can you post some pics of the whole plant and close-ups of the leaves and stems that are leaves you're worried about?
  18. ZoBudd

    Oh no! How bad is it?

    Glad they've recovered. I've seen some plants recover from worse. Just remember that you want a totally, super-duper plant before you flip to flowering. Remove the dead leaves, wait for it to fully recover and fill back in before you flip to flower.
  19. ZoBudd

    Deformity mabye?

    clipping the tips of the fan leaves for clones is done to focus the new clipping on initial root growth. Once they are rooted, and looking healthy - like your plants - i don't think it's helpful. Think of those nice big fan leaves as individual solar panels - they absorb the light and...
  20. ZoBudd

    Deformity mabye?

    They look pretty good! Figers crossed for a random deformity. I've had that type of deformity with younger plants when the soil is too hot. If the mutation starts showing up more broadly, you may need to flush them. I've been using FFHappy Frog for years. Used to use FFOF, for they youngsters...