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    Best hydro store?

    Sns rocks Re: Sns 209 S Sales Sierra Natural Science Mon 9/19/2016 8:52 AM Inbox To: Lmaoj njop You replied on 9/19/2016 9:06 AM. Evernote Hi, If you would like a new bottle, send me your address & I will send you a fresh bottle today via, USPS. Thank you, The SNS Team Sierra...
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    Best hydro store?

    I should seen through the fog if a store is giving away 2015 catalogs in 2016 almost 2017 then the merchandise can't be new
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    Would you use this on your plants ? Jack saying sorry won't help my crop !
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    Anybody know what this floaty stuff is I shook bottle 3 minutes jack at ak jacks got all pissed when I asked for my money wanted to give me store credit for shit I don't fucking need and I dam sure don't want anymore outdated shit .
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    Best hydro store?

    Looks like a goldfish skeeted in my water wtf
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    Less than 90 days to LEGAL, AK! Anyone steering this thing?

    Nope it's a ghost rider yet fag walker says no divi and that happens same year less then 4 months yet weed bill still hanging in the air
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    Best hydro store?

    Yes I shook it!
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    Best hydro store?

    Might seem petty to be mad over 23 dollar bottle of bug juice but fuck guy ownsthree stores 23 dollars would hurt you that bad? Wtf yeah I'm pissed! Call it what you want but that's bad buisness . I expect to get jacked in mtv maybe but not jacked buy a store
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    Best hydro store?

    I'll pay for shipping at least I'll get my fucking money back, if folks keep bringing back that much shit where you have to put a policy in place no cash back in store credit only ! That should tell you something about the buisness!obivously there must be a lot or unhappy folks returning shit...
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    Best hydro store?

    Was running canna ! Back to foxfarm canna has no flavor in finished product . Convienant, cheap , yup only one store in anchorage has it boo ! Amazoooooooooooon! Yeehee
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    Best hydro store?

    I concur I bought this sns 209 would you put this on your plants? Guy got pissed when I asked for a refund ! So fuck it nice doing buisness✌️With ya I poured it out and it looks like this would you water your plants with it? I'm not ! I asked to return it at the other store no reply figured new...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    I add half cup molasses to 4 gallons water every feed
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    POST your photos of medicating outside in Alaska

    Get your grub on yeehaw
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    What type of shroom

    I'm in anchorage ak lol
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    What type of shroom

    Canna coir from Alaska jacks
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    What type of shroom

    this mutha fucker popped up over nite in canna coir how ? Why ? And what the fuck
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    Anyone have any experience using Diatomacious earth

    I'm cheap I use baking soda around my floors and door edges
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    Bleded tilapia fish

    Hahahahahahahahah dam I needed that laugh I'm so pissed
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    Are these trips?

    Dish soap fcuks ph so be careful