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  1. Stealthstyle

    Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

    Noah lived for hundreds of years and even discovered Australia before Captain Cook. He picked up kangaroos and koalas before the flood then returned to drop them off. He had hundreds maybe even thousands of animals just from Australia and many more from Africa and the middle east what a guy what...
  2. Stealthstyle

    Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

    Its all a load of bullshit. The best lie ever told was there's an invisible man living in the sky who answers all your prayers and needs lots of money
  3. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    All those meteor craters are fake! the firmament block out meteors.
  4. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Retarded gorilla build a rocket ship damn it. Untill then we will just know you as a moron.
  5. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Retarded Gorilla is well and truly cooked, there's no getting through to him, He will just ignore anything you show to prove a global earth and spin some shit about water going uphill and NASA faking some videos. We're up to page 169 or 170 and he still wont listen. This thread is pointless...
  6. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Yes they do people travel to the south pole all the time you should try it some day.
  7. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Tesla did try to prove you could use electricity through the air remotely but wasn't successful he lost all his money trying to prove it and died poor. It has nothing to do with flat earth theory though and i doubt he believed the earth was flat he was way too smart for that.
  8. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Hey honey look at me I'm flying a rocket ooh im dead.
  9. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Why doesn't genesis talk about dinosaurs or ancient paintings by aborigines ? and the universe is only 6000 years old?
  10. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    How come we cant see the north star from Australia?
  11. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    As someone said within the first few pages of this thread its like arguing with someone who believes 2 + 2 = 3.
  12. Stealthstyle

    Led lights

    wtf does en mean?
  13. Stealthstyle

    Led lights

    whats led en?
  14. Stealthstyle

    Led lights

    if you cant vent out the heat through a ceiling or window dont go hps or metal halide, use cobs leds they produce good yeilds and are way better than the leds you mentioned. they also produce vertually no heat so you can vent straight outside your tent (after carbon filtered of coarse.}
  15. Stealthstyle

    DNA Genetics?

    how long did holy grail take you to flower? i pulled at 9 weeks since i had a rent inspection very soon and it still seemed like it could have gone an extra week or two. it was fire though at 9 weeks everyone of my friends wants me to only grow that
  16. Stealthstyle

    Leaves yellowin and dying

    could be over watering.
  17. Stealthstyle

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    Someone flopped a steamer in retarded gorillas gene pool.