Search results

  1. wallimaster

    loads of white russian(damn males)

    10 for 20 sounds great put me on the order list
  2. wallimaster

    weed game

  3. wallimaster

    update male or femal? got pics

    bummer dude looks like its on its way to the mulch pile
  4. wallimaster

    Do you have to wrorry about cops because of

    just pay your bill the day it shows up.. then there is no one to have a reason to look at your account
  5. wallimaster

    blaze some shit for the cheetahs birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so do you like my white russian x kali mist cross ?
  6. wallimaster

    blaze some shit for the cheetahs birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    well wtf still i like to share so enjoy .. talk soon
  7. wallimaster

    my friend's vision

    are you positive it was your buddies vision and not your own mind playin tricks??
  8. wallimaster

    blaze some shit for the cheetahs birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    happy birthday !!! this bongs for you have a good one
  9. wallimaster

    Vapor genie vaporizer?

    i got one kiks my azz... works great no probs. with it yet.
  10. wallimaster

    Brainwreck, Kali Mist, and White Russian

    thanks man i'll check em out next time i'm at the "store"
  11. wallimaster

    Brainwreck, Kali Mist, and White Russian

    yo smokey, bushmaster? never herd of it, you gotta link for me about it or some inside info on the use? it would make my day!!
  12. wallimaster

    how much longer? high res pics

    i agree with the other posts start flushing and let her go little longer. looks like your in fora treat in a few weeks enjoy !!
  13. wallimaster

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    im from the madison area ! hey wiconi which pool do you live on ? i fish 9-10 all the time
  14. wallimaster

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    i live out in the sticks away from it all.. my closest neighbor is over a mile away. so as you guessed yes " in and out " .. look forward to shareing ideas with yas
  15. wallimaster

    Female Seeds White Widow 3 diff phenos + OG Kush Cut

    great pics i also grow widow and get the diff. pheno types you pictured. the 1st and 2nd pics show the tight dence bud with short hairs, which i find to be a little better bud, and the 3rd pic shows the pheno of the long haired big topped varity.. which do you like better?
  16. wallimaster

    Brainwreck, Kali Mist, and White Russian

    kali mist and white russian can be had thru i have ordered and received from them here in the states many times without any probs. BTW you'll 4sure love the russian for its easy grow and powerfull buzz !!!!!! if height isa problem make sure you imediate on set your clones of...
  17. wallimaster

    Wisconsin.....River rat.

    im in wisconsin also... welcome
  18. wallimaster

    Just bought some bud, but it looks odd

    omy prolly will turn your tounge green
  19. wallimaster

    Kickin it in the windy city

    north of the boarder dairyland so they say , i say "#2 cash crop is ganja"