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  1. rshackleferd

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    Bitcoin and snail male cash is untraceable, the only way i pay. A visa gift or pre paid card is still a risk because the card must be registered for overseas transactions.
  2. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    You got me
  3. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    Did you see the vid i posted? This was no idiot and he ended up with 1.1 grams per watt. Why go with cobs when they are so expensive? What are the advantages? Is it to save money? This would take three or more years, not worth it especially for my situation. I would need heaters in the winter to...
  4. rshackleferd

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    I agree, I made a huge mistake when i put my collection in the freezer. I put over 15+ viles which was years of hard work in the rear unbeknownst to me right next to the defroster in the freezer. That piece of metal fried my whole collection. I had some type of mental break down or something...
  5. rshackleferd


    WTF..That is the most awesome bud i have ever seen.
  6. rshackleferd

    Where can i find some legit thc/cbd lab results?

    Where can i find some legit thc/cbd lab results of tested strains?
  7. rshackleferd

    Why the hatred for Autoflower strains?

    What i meant when i said "strong" was not potency but strong as in growth. It has a great high but potency is just a tad under photos. I still mainly grow photos for this very reason. If i could give think different a rating with ten being the highest i would give it a 7.5. The c99 im smoking...
  8. rshackleferd

    Why the hatred for Autoflower strains?

    Nothing has compared in terms of yield from my "think different" grows, in just 75 days from seed to harvest I average around 10+ ounces per plant. Best all around high i ever had, dream land euphoria..just the way i like it. I run mh throughout the entire whole grow at 400w veg then bump it to...
  9. rshackleferd

    Big Bud x White Widow - Huge Growth

    Is that the female seeds version of big bud x ww or did you mix them yourself?
  10. rshackleferd

    Female seeds any good?

    Ive grown some of their c99 with about 75% success. 1 awesome, 2 ok, 4th mama horrible. Anyone grow some of their other strains?
  11. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    I was mistaking in the gpw "toked up", his total from the 1500 watts amounted to 1700 grams. This is 1.1 gpw, I can get this amount all day long with 3watt diodes. Why convert? Another user told me his amount totaled .7 gpw. That is when i started to become nervous. Have also read about one guy...
  12. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    They have a bunch of those Rusty guys out there. I never did make vids of the gavita or spectrum king however I did make some videos comparing leds and some other vids on pc stuff awhile back but took them down from the public domain a long time ago. My employer at the time hired some type of...
  13. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    I would be very happy with 1 gram a watt since im only averaging around .40-.70 gpw with my current hid. BTW..Thanks for the vid, this guy knows what he is doing and i have seen this vid and his instructional vids, they are awesome. Would like to see more from the average joe before committing.
  14. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    That sounds fantastic and hope it is true. It just scares the hell out of me when im about to drop a precious hard working grand and a few growers complain about yields.
  15. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    Ive read about many other growers complain about the yields from these new cobs but i have also heard otherwise. It seems there is no middle ground. Either its the best system on earth or the worst.
  16. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    They do not compare at all youtube, they do not list grams per watts. Just basic vids without hardly any info. The best one i have found is from a guy who goes by the name sherbert
  17. rshackleferd

    Are cobs worth it?

    I've read about growers using the best cobs available "cxb3590" and ending up with mediocre harvest. For example there is a professional grower on youtube that has a 1480 watt cob system in which he only achieved 850 grams of dried bud. I heard the claim of extra trichomes and etc outweigh the...
  18. rshackleferd

    CXB3590 36v and 72v

    I need to do some more research, you lost me.
  19. rshackleferd

    Lets talk about "Other" COBS !

    This is some great stuff, selling my mars reflector as we speak.
  20. rshackleferd

    CXB3590 36v and 72v

    Are these two different types of cobs or is it the same cob ran on different drivers/setup?