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  1. qballizhere

    Will this work? Fan ducting reducer thoughts.

    Yes it has to do with the contact time and air speed a controller is fine but if the controller goes out and is stuck on full speed now you are not filtering the air correctly because you have to much air movement for the filter
  2. qballizhere

    $1,000 budget first indoor need advise please.

    Before recommendations are made what are you trying to achieve? How many plants? Area you have to grow?
  3. qballizhere

    Will this work? Fan ducting reducer thoughts.

    No you need to match the carbon filter with the fan speed. You can reduce after the 6" fan to 4" to exhaust it
  4. qballizhere

    Outdoor Grower Moving Indoors

    First why choose if you use the 4x2.5 space for veg and then use the 7x7 for flower you could set up a perpetual grow. Also for the summer time grow you can plant late feb or early march and grow trees in veg before they go outside. Second have a look at the led section there are several...
  5. qballizhere

    Anybody on the DE light setup yet?

    I have used them and will be switching to led cobs soon and the main reason its im trying to bring the electricity cost down. I run a 4k garden on light rails and the heat generated is unbelievable. The a/c went out the other day and 15 min after the lights came on it was 105 glad I water the...
  6. qballizhere

    Is the oil lamp vegging light cycle any good?

    That's a new one I've heard If you have small light leaks in flower that can help promote hermis and I am willing to bet that is what will happen here you are making hermies in veg. On average it takes 2 hours for your plant to go to sleep. Its called the emerson effect that will allow you to...
  7. qballizhere

    Spider Mite Room

    Here you go I have used stethorus punctillum as late as week 5 on 8 week strain
  8. qballizhere

    10x10 with 4xGavita 1k DE

    No they are not high bay lights or no they are not heaters. When I had them up in my old flower room they had to have 3' so they wouldn't burn the tops of the plants. I had 10 foot ceilings in there so i was ok but if you have 8' ceiling that's 4' plant 3' space not to burn. That leaves 1 foot...
  9. qballizhere

    cooling needed with 3590 cobs

    Jungle time put it best here I believe
  10. qballizhere

    Does anyone know how to make dabs?

    I first started making shatter from the shake at the dispensary they sell it $50 an ounce yield 5-6g a oz make money on that all day if they would sell you lbs at a time.
  11. qballizhere

    Does anyone know how to make dabs?

    Not offended just stating a fact. I have made nug runs that taste like live resin use trim and people ask are you sure its not nug run its all in the material you use. A small batch to me is 3 oz of shatter I will smoke at least 1/2 oz a week personally
  12. qballizhere

    10x10 with 4xGavita 1k DE

    You do realize these are high bay lights and you really need 10+ foot ceilings Yes they will work but know they put off more heat than a 1000w
  13. qballizhere

    Question on second topping???

    I will wait 7 to 10 days and top again
  14. qballizhere

    Does anyone know how to make dabs?

    And it takes you how long to make 3 ozs of shatter???? I run a lb of material in 45 min put it in the vac oven for 6 or 8 hours and I have 3 oz ready to smoke and have done less than a hours work
  15. qballizhere

    Does anyone know how to make dabs?

    IF you are serious about learning and making bho here you go the best single resource Talk about everything but open blasting also have plans on making closed loop machines.
  16. qballizhere

    Expert advice on curing

    I have used shoe box sized sterilite containers before but moved to the 5 gallon buckets with the screw top lids cant get any easier really.
  17. qballizhere

    Expert advice on curing

    I hardly use mason jars anymore just more convenient to use the buckets i'm running 24 plant perpetual grow
  18. qballizhere

    In need of some help.

    here you go
  19. qballizhere

    Gnats and Mites, how fuq'd am I ?

    Have a read I have used...
  20. qballizhere

    Expert advice on curing If I use mason jars If I have more than 1/2 lb I will use a 5 gallon bucket and with a hydrometer in the lid like...