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    cali connection -deadhead og

    we use the real deal original chem 91 skunk va cut
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    Bubba Kush

    we have the pre98 bubba in seed and dr greenthumb has the katsu
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    cali connection -deadhead og

    there have been 55-60 days killer phenos as well
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    Searching for Green Crack!

    no i like doing what you guys shit in return but i will admit that was great advice on cloning,,,kudos on that
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    Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe

    they look the same as kush.. but a better question what does kush smell like.??
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    Searching for Green Crack!

    your post...or just your life MAphisto???
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    Searching for Green Crack!

    its comin out shortly dont worry
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    see what i dont get is why even post in there then?? why even talk about me if your just going to insult me and talk down to me.. i talk down to people how are asshole or talk down to me in return to them.. i dont just talk shit to everyone and if you took the time to look around and see that...
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    nope not good at all we are a steadily growing world wide company that came from nothing....and you are def right there are more banks to buy from and im sure others would love to hear about how that Other gear to grow is... what i love is how people insult people then get kinda offended when...
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    read through the threads man no issues other than dank...
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    so how were they grown ? what happened ? saying they hermed and not explaining doesnt help me any??
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    LA Dispensary ban effective in 30 days?? City council votes

    its kinda funny how it automatically leads right back to mexi weed aka cartels...anyone find that oddd... just saying but also does anyone find it funny how the california supreme court came out saying cities can ban clubs yet they are tryn to impose a ban... do the cities not realize the state...
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    we have gone through trials and tribulation and will always stay true to our goal providing dank asss east and west coast Elite genetics to the masses..... we always and will be the at the forefront of providing the best of the best with the new breeders of todays market.. We work hard to amke...
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    Problem with Cali Connection seeds stalling

    i dunno man most chicks i know are pretty dam cold..hahaha
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    sam what ever your tryn to insinuate is not coming through. last years issues nope not possible I got rid of the shitty working englishman and the pathetic socalled right hand man and ditched 2 ok growers of mine...we are rocking now with a solid def moved past all the past BS ..well...
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    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    oh capt. i love how u keep my article and picture.. kinda sad dont you think.. i mean dude it makes u look pretty sad. i mean think about it that was over a year and some change ago now.. u look at the cover and go dam if i can only have a room that big.. always lame how u show my small tent...
  17. S

    Cali connection seeds what the deal

    I was wondering when you were gonna jump back on deez nuts!!!!.. cant stand seeing dank can ya...u just need to learn to grow man its simple. spend more time in the garden and less time on the computer...mayb get more than what ya got or attempt to do something larger..
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    Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe

    your a 2 year old Capt Stinkyfinger!. read the FN Name of the thread not Corleone is it...completly different...gosh your an idiot!!
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    Problem with Cali Connection seeds stalling

    i never use heat mats or anything i go seeds into a glass of water for 24hrs or when tap root shows then into rw cubes... ...
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    THE NEW WAVE of OG...Buddha tahoe, Larry, Holy grail, Kosher, cold creek etc.

    milovan hahaha you do realize im from the SFV right ...thats my stomping grounds hahahaha... rookie hahahaha you even know anyone in the sfv that is the reason why og exists.? or did you jump in a few years ago and og is your things man... lol do some research before u spout stupid shit like...