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  1. Hoare

    What Do you think about KELLOGG PREMIUM POTTING SOIL?

    I used Dr Earth last year. Started with the bag in your pic but ended with buying just the Dr Earth compost and adding equal amounts of peat and perlite. Worked great.
  2. Hoare

    What Do you think about KELLOGG PREMIUM POTTING SOIL?

    Yup... I also add perlite but only about 10%
  3. Hoare

    What Do you think about KELLOGG PREMIUM POTTING SOIL?

    I used that red and yellow bag this year. Plants love it. I am having to water a little more often is my only complaint. But the plants are loving it.
  4. Hoare

    Bud Sweetener for outdoor?

  5. Hoare

    HELP! Growing in Tropical Climate

    No matter how big they are they will start flowering with anything less than ~14 hours of light.
  6. Hoare

    I have a very complex question..

    the days started getting shorter 5 days ago. (summer solstice) upstate new york doesn't get to ~14 hours of light until ~Aug 20 (plant begins to flower) my thai looks like its always flowering but after aug 20 the big buds begin harvest before first frost was almost thanksgiving last year most...
  7. Hoare

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    In part, because of an internal U.S. Air Force report that alleged the F-35 had difficulty outmaneuvering an F-16, the F-35 joint strike fighter has built a reputation that it isn’t effective within visual ranges. But on June 19 at the Paris Air Show, pilots said the upcoming flight demo this...
  8. Hoare

    imagine the courage it takes to be white.

    It's really not white people's fault for having such a weak skin pigmentation gene. They had to learn how to burn enough fossil fuel so the weather in Norway is like Africa before their gene will evolve.
  9. Hoare

    Been many years...

    I preferred those lil red Columbian buds over the gold. But the sticks the AF brought from Thailand = 2 thumbs up
  10. Hoare

    Hydro Cloning - Limp Clones

    If it's been close to 7-8 days looks like pathogens from too warm of water. Pump could be heating water by running constantly. Use a short cycle timer. 3 min off 1 min on.
  11. Hoare

    need more advice on cloning

    And they will continue to look good for 7-8 days.... Then they will either pop roots or start to die. .. Don't jinx it claiming the badge too quick!
  12. Hoare

    Best soil from lowes?

    a scoop of compost a scoop of peat and a scoop of perlite is the basics
  13. Hoare

    Is leaving splits uncovered bad?

    I didn't say they were aphids. But, ants CAN be evidence you have an aphid problem.
  14. Hoare

    Is leaving splits uncovered bad?

    ants like aphids ... and aphids are a problem.
  15. Hoare

    Transplanted a littttle too far to the left.

    LOL The pot is square ... is there really a center (equal distance to all edges of the pot)? (these kind of threads make me giggle)
  16. Hoare

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    I have found that using an air stone raised water ph to ~8.2 .... then other posters say they keep the ph < 6.0 ... both claim to have great success? kinda begs the question: WTF? I just use tap water with great success LOL
  17. Hoare

    Cloning help...I suck at cloning. Help!

    I dialed in a 144 Turbo Kloner once.... had to put it on a short cycle timer to keep the water cooler (1 min on 3 min off) had to remove and replace 5 gals of water every 4 days (holds 13 gals - keeps pathogens down so they don't look like they start wilting in 7 days) different varieties took...
  18. Hoare

    Growing marijuana is so difficult because it is illegal

    It's not like you went out partying and 9 months later you have some gal telling you "You're a daddy!" How long did that last $14 gram last you? Just wait until new friends come by .....
  19. Hoare

    when does flower actually start?

    Defoliate and flush with dew?
  20. Hoare

    This caught me with my pants down...plz help!

    How old are they? From seed? Maybe autos?