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  1. Worcester

    360 photography

    Thank you. Very nice work...:weed::hump:
  2. Worcester

    Screen or Not?

    Recently a friend gave me 1of the new glass pipes, that has a weird bowl shape. They have these new little glass flower shapes that fit perfectly into the hole.About .25" long and if you're not careful you will lose it when getting rid of ashes. I'm telling this because the giving friend...
  3. Worcester

    What Are You Listening To?

    Thank you much...:hump:
  4. Worcester

    Bad Dog Genetics

    Thank You...:clap:
  5. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Good luck finding your new baby sitter,one that can read.:hump:
  6. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    And write down the instructions...:hump::bigjoint:
  7. Worcester

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    O.K. I'll long hand it. Oh shite! We're here already.:wall::wall: All I can say is platinum kush did it..:hump:
  8. Worcester

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Anybody that knows how to place a link to said thread, please do. This non-tech dino would sho appreciate it. And I know certain rookies need this thread for their studies.:hump: All that scrog bud...:weed:
  9. Worcester

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    woodsmantoker has his own thread on scrogging. Check out the whole thing, you won't regret it. Enjoy...:hump:
  10. Worcester

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    What you've explained, couldn't have been better.You're my illustrious, scrogging leader. Thank you...:hump::clap::bigjoint:
  11. Worcester

    What are you smoking today?

    Platinum Cush...Taste good and will foop yo shite up...:weed:
  12. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Young wooper snapper....:bigjoint:
  13. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    I'm a dino,butt I'll try to get that together.It sounds a lot easier than typing out,did I say typing?,pecking on these keys. Copy and paste, see that sure sounds like my bogle.:wall:
  14. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Been there,butt read the other crap there's different thinkers mixed in with the chaff...Mold in my w.w. pissed me the froop off,just like the lesson that the mites gave me...:wall::wall: No mo mites- No mo mold during my jar time..:weed:
  15. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    guys and gals i don't know how to drag a link and all that stuff,butt i go back and reread on curing.There's so many ways folks do it. The section on harvesting and curing. Humidity in Curing Jars. Started by Spetznaaz- July 4,2011 Page 6, will help you thru a cure without all the guessing...
  16. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    They are good,butt along with your tools you should add a hydrometer, is what I think they call them,to put inside the jar to help you read.In the curing section is where you can read about our failures with curing and mold and guessing.Come to find out it hurts as much at the end as when you...
  17. Worcester

    New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

    Hi Woosta here.You might not know about trimming in the beginning,butt as you sit there you'll become a real good trimmer.I was thinking about you earlier.I and probably others have auto seeds we will never use,given to us as freebees.I wish there was a way to bestow them to you instead of just...
  18. Worcester

    Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans

    Got my Gorilla Dubble today and was glad to get the freebees and word that bx4 is at the door?:wall:
  19. Worcester

    Your favorite Seed Bank ?

    As of 2/17 Attitude still takes Visa c.c. :bigjoint:
  20. Worcester

    Spring '17

    I'll keep looking for the,"Live at the Cross Roads",version.My preference.:blsmoke: