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  1. Sirdabsalot462

    static full melt dry sift

    ^^^^ All depends on the grower to maintain the clones integrity, Little mistakes lead to the slow degradation of the clone. And it seems to coincide with the growers level of passion for said genetics.
  2. Sirdabsalot462

    static full melt dry sift

    Respect to T2S... But holy hell.. "Clownshoe" I was crying laughing ....hahahaha That was funny shit DSW. :) But.... Quit being so damn mean to one another. :) Y'all are both good, put the measuring tape away.
  3. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    This is my view.. Wax when made correctly reeks to high heaven of a powerful aroma. The aroma consisting of valuable terpenes literally being released into the atmosphere, this is why wax degrades at a faster rate. When shatter is made correctly, it has a great smell, but not even close to the...
  4. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Only waxes that won't cooperate with me. :) This only happens when my pain levels are extremely elevated, and I need a nice easy dab...fumbling around with the wax sucks bad when my arthritis is flaring as well. Mah actual fave consistency is a gritty shatter, super greasy, usually bright...
  5. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I ain't fuckin with ya VP!! :) I totally agree. Again, just like any other concentrate, wax definitely has it's place in my stash. I just love my Shattah, so much easier to handle, dab and relax.. Wax, I gotta spend time making sure it stays on my dabber, crumbling all over the place...
  6. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Fucking sexy Chewy!!! Holy Moses!
  7. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Yeah, hook a garden hose to the exhaust,it should screw right into the exhaust(most models).... I use the "pocket hose"(awesome for gardening) I got two sets . Lead it out your nearest window, you'll notice a clarity in the room you're purging in...
  8. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    ^^^^^^^^^ Dayuuuuumnn!!! Super dank! Looks damn near pure heads! :clap::shock:
  9. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    The cheapo from harbor freight is now a bit different than a year ago... It actually has brand name, Pittsburgh. I've run the dog shit out of it, changing the oil every 4-6 runs depending on how big the run(s) are, and how early into the purge you place your oil in the chamber and begin pulling...
  10. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Hey guys!! Just was getting extremely baked smoking some hash with my glow wand... Wanted to show the melt... So so so floral. Again a thank you to Frenchy. Such an inspirational individual, willing to share his wealth of knowledge.
  11. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Lol :) thanks bro... Usually I'll give away stuff that doesn't meet my standard, every time I do so, the recipient is more than elated. I reckon I'm my own worst critic. Thundercats Hooooooooo!!! :) Thanks buddy, I bet we do about the same, my Micro-runs are 8-12 g starting material Yield, is...
  12. Sirdabsalot462

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Micro run.. Cherry Diesel & Ghost Wreck Might be the tastiest run yet, Cherry Kool-aid .. Should a made more.
  13. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Yes, I want to retain a sticky texture, when you say.. "Let it go longer" Press more thoroughly, and cure / age longer?
  14. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Damn man, looking fiyaaaaaaahhh. <Seems we share many interests, no?? :)>...
  15. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I will buying plenty of Frenchy gear, very happy for you Frenchy. @yktind that's happened to me too, I was doing some experimenting, I was curious to see if others were correct in saying "Pressing will ruin the cure" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wrong!!! I tried it , it sucked, as I could not press it...
  16. Sirdabsalot462

    Consistency Issues with Bubble Hash

    Like waxy crumbly?? Mine always turns to a waxy, or greasy type. Crumbly is most likely a lack of moisture. How does it melt? Do they melt the same? Does one bubble more than the other? Lol...sorry bout asking all the questions, I'm in the midst of studying sieved concentrates currently...
  17. Sirdabsalot462

    Consistency Issues with Bubble Hash

    I personally don't freeze or use the fridge, rather a suggestion as an alternative to freezing. Definitely don't freeze was my point. @MnH
  18. Sirdabsalot462

    Consistency Issues with Bubble Hash

    Hello dgringo, Please refrain from the micro-plane, this method literally "shaves" your whole trichomes, That you just worked to collect them as a whole. Instead I suggest using a SS kitchen strainer, take the patty and use the back of a spoon to force the hash through the holes, you save...
  19. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Dooood!! Genius! I love this thread also... You guys are awesome.
  20. Sirdabsalot462

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Wow bro, You got some serious talent man. You ever consider doing this professionally? Considering how well it was done, leads me to believe your ARE doing it professionally though.haha Again, WOW! Edit: just saw that this IS your day job. Rock on bro!