Im ordering 10 early misty seeds from nirvana, maybe some new purple power, and I already got some pineapple kush seeds to plant. im excited for the early misty, it sounds like it handles the outdoors well.
hi im going to be starting my first grow in spring and i found a fairly good spot in a large patch of sticker bushes. its all thick growth and i am trying to plant in the middle of it. any tips on how to grow here, clear path, cover trail, ect...
i am new to growing and am going to try to grow outdoors in a big patch of sticker bushes. When i plant in april the temperature will probably on average be in the 50s, but is possible to be in the 40s. what is the best strain you guys know of that can withstand these conditions?
im new to growing and im looking for some solid strains to grow outdoor in a climate that could be anywhere from 50 to 75 degrees during the spring. what do you guys suggest?