Fuckin hell!!! Those were the days lil cupboard n big yields! Now i got big grow space n shit yields lol
Just bought another oxypot xl 70litre to fit 2 plants in should b here tomorow
Good as a bong topper very tasty was made from psychosis fruity juice n sour diesel trim ain't got a rig to smoke it neat tho :( maybe soon just so expensive!
Lucky mate! all the dogs Ive had I seem to loose :( the last few ain't been yielding much compared to the first dog I had she yielded 5 oz everytime m been lookin for her ever since one day il find something near lol
Sweet bet u can't wait! I'm slowly getting converted to these oxy pots that psychosis is over a meter wide n at least 80cm tall n she's all bud!!! I reckon sheatleast 6 oz!
I payed £200 for 8 sheets of celotex 140mm from a friend normally £60 per sheet! Probly all in all about £400 max and a lot of itching cutting that shit but well worth it! I should of done it years ago instead of wasting money on tents lol
Alright lads here's my new set up 2 600w loft converted with 1 massive psychosis In a oxy pot n 1 sour diesel in soil they got a 600w each at the min til I pull my finger out lol
Good to see u back las mate I ain't been on here my self much with2 kids n tryin to run my new business I don't get time to fart these days lol
Here's a purple smelly dog for ya il post a few more pics later today need to catch up! got a new room n all that hope every1 is doin well Ras
Thanks mate I got 2 boy n girl family complete!
I'm still doin street workout n fitter now than I was at 18 lol
Budolski has the black dog pheno lovely smoke! Glad ur well mate
Mate we had a baby boy on fri weighing 8lb all heathy n sound misses is fine aswell we called him Marley I'm chuffed to bits love it! Family complete no more now lol