So I have a 4" duct fan that I got to cool my light but im starting to think that was a dumb move and should have got a 6". I was thinking of putting 2 6" duct fans on each side of the cooltube now bringing in fresh cold air. Or 2 4" considering I already have one now lol... its hard for me to...
What I have done so far is:
2nd week of clones (VEG)
Full Dosage
-Sensi Grow A 3-0-0
-Sensi Grow B 1-2-6
-Mother Earth Grow 4-1-4
-Voodoo Juice
-Pro-silicate 0-0-3
-Liquid Karma 0.1-0.1-0.5
Over board I know but I knew they could handle it, and they did. As to whether I'm wasting...
dam dude what strain? I will def. check that out, thanks for the tips! What brand is MOAB, whats that stand for?
PS you might want to get rid of any pics with your tattoos in them, if you have ever been arrested they will be on file.
This is in a sense a good tip.. you dont want to complicate things more obviously but in my situation I posted above this is exactly what I should of done hence my entire house stanking like fresh kush. If you open the screen door with the actual front door still shut you can smell it. It was...
Thats awesome ok good to know man thanks! Someone on here told me to water then feed then water then feed awhile back. But i think that was because he knew i was a newbie and had so much equipment and nutrients that he figured he would break me into the "less is more" way of thinking.
I fed...
Yes the first 2 weeks of flower area bout stretching out what they've got left in them energy wise then its all focus on nug after that point. If you have height restrictions for example or want to keep them small because of a SOG then you would not feed them veg nutes (SOG people dont feed them...
They should say on the bottles. Thats what I go by with my advanced nutrients line. I was kind of wondering the same thing as I just flipped to 12/12 on monday.
I can help you out with 2 of them anyways. Bud Candy is weeks 1 through 6. And if sensizym is just like the product (which I think it...
I didnt get busted but.. long story short I had just moved out of my moms with my girlfriend. I was growing big there in the basement. Me and her had a terrible relationship, she had a drinking problem and I would cheat a lot. One night when she was drunk we got in an argument and the police...
I had heard before in 2014 they were going to phase out the growing ya, restructure the program and have just the government grow and control everything? So this is true and we are waiting to hear the final verdict of this?
Get a doctors note concerning what exacty sorry? About my disorders? or...
Yes, the sooner the better. If you spray just before lights on you may as well have sprayed when the lights were still on cuz it didnt have enough time to soak into the leafs. Spray soon as lights are out
I will look into the do no harm clinic. I actually think I talked to them in the past but i think they wanted $400 then? maybe that was a different place. I am in Alberta, just moved here 6 months ago from Ontario. Sounds like I should have stuck around there a little longer.
I dont know how...
Id spray neem oil once a week and did it at lights off with an oscilating fan going. I dont know how damp your conditions are, maybe get a dehumidifier if needed. Its too dry here in alberta so I actually have a humidifier. But generally speaking, you should be good without either or
my tent operates the same way and I have a 400 watt in it. Its smaller than yours. 2'x3''5' and im putting a 600 watt in on monday with a cooltube and straight cold air running through the cooltube. I used a 400watt with a dome reflector in the exact same size tent as yours a few years ago with...
Ah yes I see what your saying. I would agree, makes perfect sense, why stress the plant out more putting it into a veg lighting schedule when your just trying to root them. Timing might actually all balance out and take the same amount of time but it makes sense to have even better success with...
I know, all the tests!!! haha. I think trimming dry would be more beneficial. The plant is still living once you cut it so it is still absorbing what it has soaked up. In that sense it could possibly weigh more in the end after trimming. Trimming wet would mayb stress the plant out a tad...
Actually I dont know if anything in there is actually useful haha, but if ur bored u can sift through it. I fucked up large but learnt so much about veg.
I re-read ur first post. I didnt try it under 12/12 lighting sorry, but I would cut clones from a flowering mother... athough lighting isnt...