Im voting to keep Britain in the EU.(next week).At the laST General Election.Both main parties were so similar.
I could barely drag myself 1/4 mile to the Polling station.I voted green party.They will never win in this screwed-up
I must remember to take some drugs on the summer solstice.
check out melatonin.first time i took it i had the most vivid dream ever.very lucid i could do want i wanted.
Im an ex-infantry soldier.In my country we dont use the term semi-automatic.I can call it a sub-machine gun if you
prefer.I dont see how technical details matter tho.Unless your a gun-nut.
Cant see the point myself.However,im trying to get more self-control.Abstinence never hurt anyone.
Im quite comfortable not smoking.Weed will be such a pleasure when it comes.I might even stop smoking it before breakfast....:fire: