Man I'm in Cali but I've been thinking about Colorado since being of the year "Green Rush" if anyone wants to make serious money that's a place to be right now not tomorrow!
Jig my brotha!!! Dude I'm glowing inside with joy, honestly I thought I sucked but I'm not that bad ha ha ha, 2 years now jig, I start playing 1/15/2011 all because of u and doob :lol:
Very nice man, just finished playing and it's a blast :) I can't wait till everyone in my house leave so I can hit it with a bong. Loved it brotha and thank you again.
Do you know any backing tracks that are similar?
hey man I'm humbled and thank you for your kind words, you are a true gentleman and speak like a champ. You certainly know how to grow I alway knew u had that green thumb and ur plants always make me smile. Thanks again.
Hey thanks papa it's good to be back and I'm really excited to start growing some nice weed :).....thats epiphone LP on the wall but the one in my hand is the bad boy Gibson Studio with 57 pickups, my favorite! LoL
Papa as always its great to see you brotha.
It's time to be part of history, I hope this web site stays open for many generations to come.
Smoking pot since late 70's ;-)
I'm fucking proud of Colorado and I can't wait till Washington and Cali unite Love it!!!!LOL and it feels great that my son doesn't have to hide and smoke pot like his...