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  1. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Water’s pH is as close to 6 as possible when watering. I don’t have a soil thermometer yet, so no idea there. I’m dosing with half of the recommended dose listed on the bottles.
  2. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    I didn’t start dosing until after flowering started. I noticed my leaves weren’t looking right and had a hard time figuring out the problem. My water is always ph’d, so I assumed the soil was getting depleted.
  3. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Can I have your input, please?
  4. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Thank you. I’ll check it out!
  5. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Thank you for the suggestion!
  6. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Thank you. Now, do I change it up for the rest of the grow or will that stress my girls out?
  7. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    Thank you for the suggestion! How often and when should this be done?
  8. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    that’s what was recommended to me, so I ran with it. There were a lot of mixed suggestions when I started. Some sources said that seedlings benefit from a rest period. I’m assuming your recommendation would be on 24/7? Can you tell me your reasoning please? Definitely open to learning and...
  9. Petziecola

    Magnesium deficiency? Maybe?

    First time grower here. I have three auto-fems that I’m growing in 5 gallon pots/Ocean Forest soil. LED lights 12/12. Two are doing great. One is not looking so hot. From what I can find online, I’m thinking Magnesium deficiency? Maybe? I dose with Cal-Mag and Fox Farms supplements every 6...