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  1. phil k

    Advice on trimming/training Sativas in closet grow..

  2. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    yeah when i saw it being made i was like... shit thats going to take a long ass time to make a good amount.. i feel that the press and heat wouldn't fully release everything... it almost seems like a waste of time outside of being a non chemical extract.
  3. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    i know a guy here using t-shirt presses for that
  4. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    HA! try to get people to do that now everyones hell bent on oils and waxs like they are gods gift
  5. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    go get your RSO tested i bet youll start vac purging trust me theres still residual in RSO unless its washed a bunch or vacuum purged. theres different levels but generally everyone that does the crud rick simpson way has residual... the level differences come in when you either eat it or smoke...
  6. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    these are some simpson oil made with 99% isopropyl cold extraction you can see how yellow it is and has no green waxy plant materials.. this is before the vacuum oven purge .. i assume this is what your thinking about wanting to do..
  7. phil k

    Advice on trimming/training Sativas in closet grow..

    no thats not a issue generally pinching it is fine ..i mean ideally you want as little stress as possible but its not a issue the way you did it. i generally top all my strains except a few that don't respond well to topping but yours seem fine.
  8. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    your not getting it.. your making tincture.. its a drink you want to drink it after.. simpson oils are made with 95-99% isopropyl alcohol which are evaporated regardless you wanna do that extraction cold as well it still will be thick and green not pure oil..
  9. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    you don't wanna make it from isopropyl... your looking at the way wrong shit.. especially the fire thing you sent slink to do not make it from that
  10. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    ive made it with the new real fruit flavored moonshines that are out.. they are only like 100+ proof .. but are super fucking tasty... same quality
  11. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    the diesel alcohol i mentioned is 151... its more than enough to saturate.. its also a ph neutral alcohol so its much smoother to drink.
  12. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    so your just making tincture... thats all it is.. you don't need the highest alcohol level for that you want something like Diesel or something you can actually drink without choking.... tinctures made hot like your going to make it, picks up tons of the plant residue and plant wax... you really...
  13. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter
  14. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    you can order it on any alcohol site... look for spyrutus... i think thats how its spelled.. its the highest purest form you can get in a bottle its also ph neutral if i remember correctly.
  15. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    your thinking of cooking oil... BHO or simpson oils can't be made in the butter machine
  16. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    i was always wondering how well it worked.. does it get too hot? i couldn't see the point to it.. other than if you don't have a crockpot and needed to buy one .. then MAYBE i could see getting that instead
  17. phil k

    Advice on trimming/training Sativas in closet grow..

    cleaning up the undersides PROPERLY will redirect the growth from those areas to the active growth areas and speed things up a bit so cleaning up the lower stuff will have benefits in the long run after they heal. if you do it cleanly with a good razor they can heal quick and redirect the...
  18. phil k

    Advice on trimming/training Sativas in closet grow..

    you can do either i would just strip them off and clean up the bottom..if you properly remove the node and leafe they won't ever grow back. not sure why that was said but its not true if you take it off properly it won't grow back.... give them time they will start to spread up you did other...
  19. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    your probably looking at dirt cheap used stuff... 600$ to get everything you need... new.. some vac ovens start at 800$.. some good BHO chambers start at 300$+ closed loop systems is what you really want they are 1500$ or so.. plus a good oven your looking at 2000$+ then you need the extra...
  20. phil k

    BHO in MagicalButter

    mr. head is right the magic machine isn't for BHO its butter only