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  1. OGMMJ

    Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

    Is this real? Why in the world would you be on a growing forum recommending people to "buy dope" I have had much success in the past and I will continue in the future this is the first two weeks of a brand new system to me, I think I'll get the kinks worked out, but thanks for you help man lol.
  2. OGMMJ

    Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

    Thanks a lot man! I will scrub the Rez with peroxide and then put just half tap water half RO and I'll put roughly 15mls per gallon of the 3% h2o2 and I will report back after 24 hours or so, when my hydroguard arrives i will run that along side of base and grow and do you think I should add lk...
  3. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Awesome, thank you so much for the advice, I will do as you suggested when I get home from breakfast and switch out the water again, as I mentioned my tap water is pretty bad. So do you think I should use my tap or should I mix half ro water and half tap water, also should I ph it down to what...
  4. OGMMJ

    Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

    Good to know! That's a good thought I will move my thermometer for my water up into the ambient air inside the root area, (inside the upper tub in my case) and see what those temps are, that could possibly be getting to warm; only thing is with the tent max temp at 70 and my water at 62 I'm not...
  5. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Also I'm unsure of my Ppm meter conversion rate still; it was the cheap blue one off amazon with the yellow ph tester, but I was only running roughly 300ppm
  6. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey weed, thanks! I thought I might have been worrying to much but I did catch a wiff of fresh grass smell from the roots of the plant that I completely chopped the roots off of, the other ones weren't to bad and the one there that looks terrible in the picture is the one I super rinsed under...
  7. OGMMJ

    Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

    Hey budley! Thanks for the reply! As in start fresh do you mean ditch all the plants all the stored RO water and all the tubs themselves or just the plants and fresh Rez change? Wondering if I'm going to need to ditch the entire 55 gallons of RO water I have stored? Not exactly the easiest thing...
  8. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Just checked on them and the one I chopped all the roots off of has of course killed all its large leaves so I pulled all those off and stuck it back in the cloner, seems to be pulling through in the new growth atleast, the one that I left most of the infected roots on is showing the same signs...
  9. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    thanks for the quick replies guys! Going to go take some pictures for you guys to see, really just wondering if I really need to pitch these plants or if I'm heading the right direction with adding h2o2 and removing the organics, but did I mess up by adding the base and grow of the botanicare...
  10. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey sky my Rez temp in my vegger has never went above 66, the veg and clone tent stays roughly 70 at 50-60% rh
  11. OGMMJ

    let love get the best of you

    let love get the best of you
  12. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Once again sorry for the lengthy reply, I'm not a fan of running to the forums as soon as I have a question I much perfer controlling and switching variables myself to learn the ins and outs and not just the dos and donts, it's just... It's just... I just received my order from attitude with all...
  13. OGMMJ

    Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

    Hey guys, so I am dealing with a root rot problem with low Rez temps, I believe it was caused by my rez color being grey and I think it could have been letting the slightest bit of light through and caused some brown slime algae (pump and hose was smiley during Rez change) I immediately bathed...
  14. OGMMJ

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey guys! First of all let me thank everyone that contributed to the wealth of knowledge in this thread, possibly the best thread I have ever came across and it forsure made me kick all the soil outside and keep it there for good, I have been reading and building and fine tuning my systems...