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  1. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    glo guy is silly, only taking cash. guess he pissed 2 many people off! no way am i sending him cash lol
  2. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I got a freebie tester pack, they sent me Sky Warden in error, was supposed to be Chickasaw cooler... Beggars can't be choosers is noice!
  3. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    lol u beat me to it almost ordered both lol
  4. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    bagged texas butter for 30$ yea!!! First time i ever ordered from greenpoint was for a tester pack, they covered the 10$ fast shipping! extra cool!
  5. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

  6. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I'm just wondering why it went from 89$ to 150$ yesterday, o well. Yes as I said I will be patient...
  7. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    check the opening auction prices now. was same yesterday 2
  8. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    seeds on auction were bumped to 150$ yesterday, not the usual 90$. 40% wasnt valid on auction either.
  9. yimbeans

    hello all!

    hello all!
  10. yimbeans

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    yea, this price jump sucks. had my eye on bunch of stuff, guess i will have to be more patient. and why the price raise on a holiday, memorial day no less....hopefully its a glitch!