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  1. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Nice man, thanks.
  2. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Well after a four day dry period the plants have seem to responded positively to the last watering of RO water. I'll probably keep them off the nutes for a few weeks since this FFOF soil seems pretty hot.
  3. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Thanks. Just have to wait and be patient.
  4. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Growing in dirt to sex moms. It was a cheaper starting cost. I will be going back to hydro very soon.
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    Help over watering in soil.

    Looked for root rot really. Didnt see any so I'll wait on the rest.
  6. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Thanks for the help. I pulled one out and transplanted in to fresh FFOF in a 3 Gallon pot. Gave it a mist of water and thats it. The roots weren't brown but still stunted to the dimensions of the solocup. While the soil was dry on the outer edges of the bag it was still very wet in the core...
  7. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    So is there any remedy or fix? Next course of action? Wait and see? Thnx.
  8. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    One gallon per plant (almost) btw.
  9. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    I didn't shred it. So what are my options? Trash em?
  10. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    I'm desperately looking for a mom out of these seeds and would hate to lose these genetics. From experience, if I let them dry out a few more days and then water, can they bounce back and produce new growth?
  11. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    The roots seemed fine. I cut the cups when removing them.. Soil seems very sensitive to watering. I did water the cups and then the 2 gallon containers maybe the double watering was too much. Either way this shit is wayy too sensitive for my taste... Considering back to hydro....
  12. N

    Help over watering in soil.

    Hello I am growing in soil for the first time in years. I recently transplanted seven OG Raskal WIFI Aliens from solo cup to 2 gallon canvas pots in Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil. I gave them almost a gallon of RO water when transplanting and three days later they look like their dying... I...
  13. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    Thanks Corey for the output.
  14. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    Pop22 the 150W Area-51 vegged great but at bloom it had nothing... Plants looked like they where permanently 4 weeks into bloom. I felt like I fell for the bullshit marketing that the light could actually flower like a 250 hps. It definitely couldn't.
  15. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    Thanks for all the feedback. After doing some more reading. I was thinking of getting two of these Veros from Timber. Question is: Are two of those 200W lined up enough for blooming in a 2x4 gorilla tent?
  16. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    Well on a budget here to get started. From what Ive seen most even junk leds yield ok if you match watt for watt with hps...
  17. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    From previous experience with Area-51 LED at 150W actually and it grew shit. T5 would have been better. I am used to 2L Pepsi bottle colas lol.
  18. N

    LED Newbie need help on light.

    From what I've seen LED is never true wattage... In this case the Viparspectras pull 200W actual and the Roleandro pulls 130w actual. As a long time HPS user and experimenter of LED I've learned that Actual watts seem to be the only thing that matters... I live in a very hot climate and my 600W...
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    LED Newbie need help on light.

    Hello I am hoping for some opinion or advice between these led lights. Roleadro 400W COB Full Spectrum LED Grow Light or VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 450W LED Grow Light...
  20. N

    Need help with Nevada home cultivation law (cultivating strains that dispensaries don't have)

    None of these things really make cultivating in Nevada legal. Being grandfathered in, plant count, yield, strain availability are nothing more than defenses that you can use after you are busted. Never mind the 2 nanogram DUI limit. ---Colorado here I come!