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  1. hydroMD

    About a pound? Uncharted HPA Territory?

    Very nice. Beautiful setup brotha
  2. hydroMD

    About a pound? Uncharted HPA Territory?

    Such small girls, if i could add any inputit would be to cut that down to .7ec until you see some rebound. Let them get established and slowly work up to 1.2-1.5 at your peak feeding
  3. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    First off, who is "they"? Who is this preconceived boogie man in a lab creating toxic food to feed the children of the world? And I would argue with the stance "its all about the green backs". In part it is putting food on peoples plates for a price they can afford and to polute the...
  4. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    Lol. This wasn't an argument of selective breeding vs. Natural selection. It was that gmo's are not inherently evil or destructive to peoples health; its the reason a lot of people arent going hungry, but the national aagricultural economy is a whole other discussion. To clarify, natural...
  5. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    My point is that not all gmo practices result in health implications. 90% of gmo's are just selective breeding. If you wanna argue that point please provide this *proof* on a subject I have been emersed in for 2 decades in commercial ag
  6. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    So you have never ate corn? Actually I know several professors at the local university that I've worked side by side with who eat gmo. And I can talk about gmo because I have experience with them first hand. As im very sure you do not. Noticed how my arguments contain a lil fact to go...
  7. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    Selective breeding is the same thing as splitting haploids. One version you let the plant grow out to see the expressed genes, one you look at the dna of the plant to see if the genes you want have taken. Its the same process as hand pollinating except shortened, nothing unhealthy about...
  8. hydroMD

    Harvest trimming day.

    Hey, Its a *Liter of Cola* hehehe
  9. hydroMD

    Cannabutter newbie question

    Id do 1/8th per stick. Pour butter and ground bud in a sauce pan. Add a few cups of water. Let it simmer for a few hours or half day. Strain the bud from the liquid and put pan in fridge. Butter will float on top until it cools and hardens. Take the bottlenose the water and dump your pan.
  10. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    I have no qualms with organic. A lot of commercial practices I dont agree with. However, a lot of people have opinions based on a lack of understanding when it comes to things like organic vs inorganic and gmo. Using genetic modification to resist roundup for feed crops=bad Splitting...
  11. hydroMD

    Ethics & Seeds

    If they put their product on the market, its open game. Ya dont see JD short fallow all of his notching about people stealing blueberry with who's genetics his dad used to GET blueberry... Hypocritical. If your trying to keep your genetics private property, you'll need to wait for the...
  12. hydroMD

    Ethics & Seeds

    I think pedigree is a huge deal. If I buy my next pit bull and he turns out to be half mastiff, im gonna be pissed
  13. hydroMD

    Who has the biggest penis on RIU contest

    The legend himself
  14. hydroMD

    Marijuanna drug test pass or fail?

    Many tests will tell if it is fake urine. If its done at a occupational medicine office, they will check to make sure its real. Only way to pass is to get real urine that is clean. Put in container and use hand warmers to keep is warm. I wouldnt condone this as its illegal, but I have hear...
  15. hydroMD

    Why are the tops of my flowers turning yellow

    Mix your nutes at 30%. Flush 3X container size. *make sure your ph is perfect* let your container dry until the pot is nice and light. Get your roots lots of air. Wait for new growth, feed at 40-50%. Let pot dry. If things improve, hit it with water next and your back on track. If...
  16. hydroMD

    ff vs roots organic vs nectar of the gods

    Why bother with organic soil if your using chem ferts? Roots organic is good soil. It already has all the perlite youd want and more. Its a bit hot, so id suggest cutting it down for seedlings. 60/30 with that perlite. If it was me, I would get the base grow and bloom & micro from...
  17. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    Is it a legality? Either way,its fun debating with googlers
  18. hydroMD

    AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

    Their pictures are all over the internet. I highly doubt they *forced* RUI to remove anything. Wheres tje proof? Any moderators that can shed light on this? And a commercial grow will implement sog. One main layer of tops. Minimal side branching Thus there is little need for drastic light...
  19. hydroMD


    "Ornamental" organic. Weird... it doesnt resemble the brown 'organic' nug you posted at all