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  1. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Any poster who does not have "Photography is not a crime".....Pinac on his favorites is groping in the dark.
  2. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    It's not illegal to film cops. Put Pinac on ur favorites.
  3. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    MSNBC had an expert on from John Jay College this a.m. Said he wasn't aware this sort of thing went on. SOME EXPERT!!!
  4. overgrowem

    Nevada voter initiative on the ballot

    Made up this list of states that are trying to have an initiative in 16 would like to see some in the know, add, comment or correct what I have pieced together. what do U think the chances are of some of the,"not so much attention", states prospects are? Initiatives...
  5. overgrowem

    Wichita, Kansas kinda decriminalizes

    Very easy to grow.Smells great.Tastes great. Great stone. Why wait. Pop a bean today.
  6. overgrowem

    Should Corporations Fund Schooling?

    Corps. are funding and i see it expanding. They are funding chairs in colleges and U's all over the country. Of course they select the profs. that occupy them. I mean what dif. can it make if UR climate prof. was selected by Koch Bros..
  7. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    U need to get UR prescription changed.
  8. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Where was this ? Streets? Lived in N. Charles. as a kid.If U liked nature, Goose Creek was as a hoot in the fifties.
  9. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Cops will kill peeps over 0.
  10. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Fascist shit!... Go straight to Nazis.
  11. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Grey area didn't refer to tape, but to police conduct overall. U follow Pinac don't U?
  12. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Forget the grey area.
  13. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Murder under color of law. Judgement should be really big on this one.
  14. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    :hug:Decrim. gets 54% in Wichita.
  15. overgrowem

    $50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

    Wichita votes 54% to decrim.
  16. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    Would like to know how this was going B4 the tape surfaced?
  17. overgrowem

    South Carolina policeman charged with murder

    How bout the other officer on scene . What did his report say. He surely saw the throw down. Did he mention it, what story did he tell? Is he an accessory after the fact? Guess is Blue Line Omhuerta was in play from get-go. He'll get 2 weeks admin. leave with pay.and keep swearing and believed...
  18. overgrowem

    if you were an animal...

  19. overgrowem

    Brian Williams

    Yep!Guilfoyle is as exposed as ever, and they seem to have a stand in set of gams available when the regular masher bait is not avail..
  20. overgrowem

    All The Names For Marijuana.

    Pipe Weed. Dirt Weed. Mexican Dirt Weed. Primo.