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  1. M


    I was just curious
  2. M


    How old do you guys think my plant I have no idea
  3. M


    Do you guys think this is the crown starting to develop and if it's not does the crown develop during veg stage
  4. M

    Please help

    Is that the crown starting to develop Is that the crown starting to develop
  5. M

    Please help

    Okay lol good sue looks fine as well
  6. M

    Please help

    So my top leaves are sticking like stright up it almost looks like the crown is starting to develop im not sure tho is this good or bad
  7. M


    It looks fine thru the day it only looks like that around that time I turn the light off and Yes i have probably 15 holes at the bottom I made sure of that
  8. M


    It looks fine thru the day it only looks like that around that time I turn the light off and Yes i have probably 15 holes at the bottom I made sure of that
  9. M


    Only looks like this at night??
  10. M


    Not sure what's going on but every night before I turn my lights off my plant leaves are all down and look sad but when I look at it thru the day it look happy do you guys think im giving it to much light I have it on 18/6 schedule or is this normal?? Someone pls help It only looks like this at...
  11. M

    How much longer you guys think

    It also gets about 18 hours of light and 6 off
  12. M

    How much longer you guys think

    How old do you think maybe my plants are in the pictures??
  13. M

    How much longer you guys think

    im new to everything and all this I'm wondering if maybe you guys can tell me how much longer to let my plant stay in the veg stage I have no clue how old she is or anything can someone pls help me maybe tell me how old you guys think she is how much longer into i can start flowering them
  14. M

    How old

    How old do you thing my plant is and is it starting to look healthyer
  15. M


    Yes I made sure that I have a grow tent coming next week this just has to work till then
  16. M


    Do you guys think this is a good setup for my plant???
  17. M


    So I should take it outta the bucket and but it in the corner???under the light I have a grow tent comings in about a week just for now lol
  18. M

    Trap light

    Does the light need to be trap or can i just hang it and put the plant on the floor??
  19. M


    The light doesent have to be trap in ?? That the only reason i have it in there lol
  20. M


    It only been under this 300 watt light for maybe a week and a half