So are you saying you agree with Hitler on race realism? still not sure the point you are trying to make
His point seems to be that racial bias is perfectly acceptable from a leftist.
Israel has been caught aiding "rebels" and the Trump investigation netted jack shit. It's going to sound like crying wolf when people bitch about Assad downing Israeli jets with Russian missiles. I look forward to the media trying to paint Trump being pro Russia and pro Israel simultaneously...
That doesn't even close to my house, not that there's any shame in such a home. Considering nearly 10% of Americans call such domiciles home, you might be confusing me for one of your neighbors.
My personal shovel is compliant, but should a ban put a 10k price on its head it's readily convertible. Full auto would be preferable to keep the original stock aesthetics. :cool:
Since when did shovels start selling for $10k? Man, if you're saying shovels will sell on the black market for $10k ea, maybe they should be banned. I'll see the lot of you over on Digitup after prohibition! :eek: