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  1. Commander Strax

    women unite!!! screw the pope!!!

    I would fuck her if I was the pope
  2. Commander Strax

    just need some info on concert swim iz going to..

    fuck swim you been here since 07 and you dont know that swim is a dick?
  3. Commander Strax

    Found a dog.... have nice hands
  4. Commander Strax

    think i found a missing member

    I think that there is a HUGH missunderstanding here when ever I feel the uncontrolable urge to blow a farm animal, I smoke some weed and it usually goes away. I am pretty comfortable saying that he was smokeing all the way to the barn in an attempt to reduce the urge he had eating at his brain
  5. Commander Strax

    think i found a missing member

    Dude...where do you get your weed?
  6. Commander Strax

    Who can grow and rap?

    that is what I was gonna say
  7. Commander Strax

    Red eyes from hell?

    week effect?
  8. Commander Strax

    Strange News clip footage!

    did you video tape your televison set? are you fucking retarded?
  9. Commander Strax

    Anti gay pastor is gay

    that is about "par for the course"
  10. Commander Strax

    So when you buy weed, what condition should it be in?

    just a little warning....growing your own is Highly Adddictive!
  11. Commander Strax

    Is it ready now and how much do you think I'll get?

    If you can find the leaves I would recommend that you folier spray
  12. Commander Strax

    NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

    that explains a lot