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  1. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    So the last list of competitors I compiled was on 03-02-2014, @ 06:56 PM which makes this post almost exactly a week later(+9hrs) All those who haven't updated this week are about to be disqualified or dropped from the comp. just saying heres a new list I made of those currently following the...
  2. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    damn hyroot those are looking pretty stretchy... and I thought you were gonna keep em short, how far away are your lights from them? Sorry to hear about your pest issue's man good luck to you and your girls.
  3. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Well first off red We Sand people need long toes to walk thru the desert all nimbly bimbly like and not get burned, why do you think the tuscan raiders walk in a single file line??? As far as the topping goes its just an experiment she's about 2 weeks into flower and I wanted to see if I could...
  4. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Looking nice Mrcrc keep up the good work and gimmie a run for 1st place!!!
  5. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    So here is my official update on the Mk ultra seed germed on 1-28-14 fed with full strength nectar for the gods early bloom phase, sitting under a T5 floro mixed spectrum and a 65 watt Han's panel (Ver. 3 I believe), Soil medium, a mix of light warrior and roots greenlight with about 20% ewc...
  6. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    This is the other seed I started that isn't my entry, so I decided to get a little crazy with the Sour Diesel... 2nd solo cup wannabe entry before topping After topping The top.. no more!
  7. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Sorry to hear that mikek420 I wish you the best of luck, and hope to see you as a contender in the next comp. Happy growing good sir!!!
  8. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Fucking soulless gingers. I don't think anybody would have cared if Adolf Hitler would have targeted the gingers instead of the Jews. At least the Jews are good with money...
  9. tkowitha123

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    I noticed some issues with using bloom khaos on some foreign clones that weren't feed with nectar, all twisty leaf's and weird growth but that was when I was doing a crap ton of foliar feeding too so I'm assuming the issues were related
  10. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    I'm kinda suprised red hasn't made a jab back...
  11. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Don't the rules state you can only germ a max of 5 non feminized seeds?
  12. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Yeah she definitely got some legs on her...
  13. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    If you read any other posts I make you should be able to discern what nutrients I be using mon.
  14. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Its called vinegar and piss with a side of coleslaw... My secret weapon!!! Like I'd ever tell you...
  15. tkowitha123

    Like button temp disabled.

    I miss my like button still...
  16. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Well to be honest Jim I took your original post from page 20 something, started at the current post and worked back to like page 70 and then reworked once more going forward to the current post omitting/adding names to/from your original. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have done it in the first...
  17. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Alright now for my update: A picture of the 2 remaining cups sour diesel#2 and Mk ultra in the back of where they bloom: A picture of the 3rd cup (sour diesel #1) that I transplanted a few nights back, also happens to be the one that fell on me early on: The Mk ultra and sour diesel side by...
  18. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    1} foreverflyhi 2} sgt john 3} kineboisin420 4} hyroot 5} psuagro 6} green santa 7} The dawg 8} scotch089 9} b166er420 10} puffenuff 11} Chronikool 12} cannabear 13} tkowitha123 14} father ramirez 15} Nizza 16} krrrap 17} DCobben 18} Thecouchlock 19} GroErr 20} Adrosmokin 21} Imoore2680 22}...
  19. tkowitha123

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    I'll be honest I like the Mk Ultra but, now I'm really liking what this other cup of mine is doing the sour diesel is looking really bushy and showing sex not much bud yet but still really bushy, this Mk ultra however is just flowering like a bitch. Kinda wanna wait to pick the cup entrainant...
  20. tkowitha123

    Nnectar for the Gods nutrients?

    HA thats funny like yesterday I did the same thing. Cleaning solution, 4.o and 7.0 and 10.0 ph buffers and 1500 ppm solutions for calibrating my meter. In the meters instructions it says to calibrate monthly for accuracy and longevity of the meter. I think I'm gonna follow instructions cause I'm...