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  1. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  2. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Trump has a success rate of 90 something percent on his "public business record"
  3. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    One is promoting the idea of safety, and the other is a blatant race baiter. I know who I am voting for
  4. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  5. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  6. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    all the time people spent on this site typing about their opponents penis size, and I'm just over here getting trumpfus
  7. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    hey pablo, you are doing a good job exposing the TRUE racists on this site. keep on keepin on
  8. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    britain leaves eu with over 50% of the vote. this image perfectly sums up some of the users on here when it comes to trump
  9. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Daily reminder that the primaries are over, and the democrats had an abysmal turnout. More republicans voted than democrats, AND trump broke the record for most republican primary votes
  10. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Im hoping trump brings this up in the first debate.
  11. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    its not just mexico. honduras is abusing the border as well (and they don't even border us!). how he was arrested multiple times yet never deported......
  12. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  13. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    this is what we are up against, lol
  14. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  15. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    and a registered democrat. who had parents that were not born here. whom supported al quaeda. I wonder if there is any connection
  16. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  17. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    someone who was at the club is claiming multiple shooters. hopefully they were just misremembering from getting shot in the liver, but still prayin for orlando right now
  18. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    I guess I never realized Don King was such a YUGE Racist! this means mike tyson is probably a racist too. man all these racists being racist
  19. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    doctors are accredited by the AMA. politicians are accredited by what? twitter bots? pic related is hillary and her "followers" somehow posting the same thing in the same instant. those are totally a sign of a good politician.
  20. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Never has a presidential candidate been REKT so hard!