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  1. SarcasticHobbes

    Are you a solo toker?'ve

    Generally I smoke alone. Its not that I don't mind sharing my bud or anything, but I just like to vap my shit, sit back and play on my 360. I do toke at least once a week or two with some good friends and all, which is fun as hell in its own right because all of us high is great. And I don't...
  2. SarcasticHobbes

    Newbie In Minnesota Needs Help!

    I have a friend who is a cop in the Twin Cities and I'll ask him tonight when he gets on Xbox Live. I'm looking into doing my own plant(2-3, actually) and as far as I can tell its basically OK. Cops don't care about a few plants because you're not the big guy. But I guess it helps I live in...
  3. SarcasticHobbes


    Greetings. I am from the the North, lol.
  4. SarcasticHobbes


    I've been a "stoner" for about 13 years now, I just decided to join this forum. I'm 27 years old, live in the great city of Madison, WI(very pot friendly). I enjoy sports, smoking pot, watching That 70's Show when I am baked out of my mind. I generally only smoke on Friday Nights and Saturdays...
  5. SarcasticHobbes

    Why Vote Against Republicans?

    As a life long Liberal, Clinton managed to balance the federal budget, but our national debt climbed(albeit slower under Clinton) We need to address our national debt sooner rather than later, this whole Keynesian economics is going to be the eventual end of the current USA. But knowing all...