Yea I figured it best to run a 8" on low at 550cfm than a 6" on high at 480cfm...
Physical size of the fan/filter/hood/muffler will be a problem though.
I'm just going to try the passive intake route first and see how it goes. If it's not right or the exhaust fan is struggling I'll look into setting up a fan on the intake.
As for your water question I'm not sure I follow. I considered setting up a little flood table so that come flush time I...
And I'm aiming so high with my exhausts cfm with the hope that will help a lot with the temperature. I mean I'm looking at the 8" Can Pro that does 550/650/750 cfm... that's 2, 3 almost 4x my grow space...
I need to buy a portable weather station and measure the temp and rh down there. But I...
Well luckily my wife is on board. And ultimately all of our friends are tokers too. So I'm going all out but honestly the difference between just setting up two tents and doing the stealth route was small. I just figured if I'm going to spend money on this I might has well do it up. Plus with...
I may box/frame/insulate in the inline fan as well. Double up the noise protection that way.
Luckily no one is ever in the basement. And luckily it's a laundry room above this space. So no one will even be lingering around/above this stuff.
I'm probably going to rent a pickup and grab all the...
I hadn't been over to AVS in a while (one of the forums I've been a member at for a decade that I mentioned in the OP) but I just took a gander. I think you're right to a point. There is little gained but much more expense with the Roxul low frequencies. Which is what all the home...
I'm not doubting you but show me. Lol
Because that's the opposite of what I find.
At any's all getting sealed, insulated, sealed, and insulated again. I should be good no matter what product I use.
Yea the washer/dryer is right above this area. And an outdoor spigot is as well. So I thought using these foam boards for the ceiling would be nice because they can be taken taken down and put back up easily in case there is maintenance required.
I'm not using the tuff boards for sound. I'm using them because 1) they can come down easily so if I need to work on the AC ducts or water lines above these new walls I can 2) it's r value 3) easy to cut 4) good with moisture 5) is reflective on one side already.
As for insulation... I don't...
Hey thanks for the post. I planned on buying almost everything via Amazon. My cart is currently $2400 lol. Lots of the same products doubled up so I can look at options tho. I imagine it will be about $1600 when it's time to buy lights/fans/nutes/etc.
And I think I'm going to use ProMix HP...
Nothing is being attached to the stairs. My little rooms will be framed right underneath the stairs.
I've already caulked and sprayed foamed all around and under the stairs. Ill stuff insulation under them before I build my little box. Then that little box will be dry walled, vapor barriered...
LED certainly isn't as hot a HPS. But there are no active cooling options for the "hood" like HPS has. Correct? Thus in my eyes it would technically heat the room more than a ducted air cooled HPS setup.
I won't be attaching anything to the stairs. And other than an oscillating fan or some pc...
See after all my reading it seems to me that LED lights without the ability to be properly cooled actually run hotter than an efficient air cooled hood setup. Especially in a small sealed room. Correct me if I'm wrong. I originally started out with the intention on doing LED. I was looking at...
Walls, floors, ceiling, build an insulated box for your fan, build an insulated box for your reservoir?
Use batting insulation as well as the foam boards. Something like Roxul which is acoustic and fire rated.
I could easily pull air from the outside straight into the cave and then remove the air straight back out. The problem with that though is the air will be hot in the summer and possibly too cold in the winter...
I'm leaning towards the Sun System Blockbuster because it's suppose to cast a perfect 4x4 net and dimensionally it's one of the smaller 8" hoods at 25x31x10 inches...