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  1. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    Okay, lets catch everyone up. they have been in 12/12 for 2 weeks now. I waited till they threw pistils in 18/6 before I switched. and then I waited some more. As I said in the beginning, they were in a very small cardboard box with 2 4 inch pc fans. not enough air circulation when those two...
  2. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    Noted! Thanks Chuck. I looked closely at newest growth on bud sites and only the tips seem damaged. My next question is; will these damaged foliage cause any issues? Should I prune the tips off the larger leaves that are effected severely? Remove them entirely or just let it go? These plants...
  3. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    Yes, #2. Heat Stress. That sounds like what I thought it was. And his descriptiion hits it on the head. GREAT find. However, I have assumed this the case already, and googled for remedies with no avail. the obvious remedy I have done, Bigger environment, moved lights a lil ways away, and...
  4. I

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Identical clones, side by side exact ame conditions. no worms, pests specs or anything like that. Any ideas? *I think that it is HEAT stress or MOISTURE stress? Not enough? I'm unsure.
  5. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    By the way, LOVE how quick I am to get help on here.
  6. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    chuck: It is now, yes. originally I had a small computer fan, it wasnt circulating quite enough (hence this curling occured), so I gave it the bigger fan. Now, BOTH plants had this issue. One has cleared up wonderfully. Ill post a few more pics really getting up on those leaves. I do not see...
  7. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    ultimately theyre drinking collectively a gallon of distilled water every 5 to 6 days.
  8. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    I water when the soil is dry as a bone. I read tht its better to let them wilt a hair before you water. The other plant had poblems similar to this, misting at night seemed to have corrected it. With that being said, it's pretty safe to assume I am NOT over-watering. Any other thoughts on this?
  9. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    I check for pests with loupe, looks all good. I spray the underside of ALL the leaves when the lights go out and plan to stop in another week. Im hoping to have this corrected by then. It feels comfortable in the box, and i originally thought it was a lack of humidity. I have a half gallon...
  10. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    The "Tacoing" is the issue.
  11. I

    Leaves closest to top "taco-ing"?

    Hello there! This is my second grow. I am looking to document and track my grow weekly and hopefully learn a thing or two on the way. Let us start off with my setup. 1 6500K 60W CFL 1 2700K 60W CFL 3 6500K 25W CFL 2 2700K 25W CFL Mounted to a "hood" with two pc fans installed pulling hot air...