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  1. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    I haven't worried about weight since my 2nd grow. Weight after harvest. Weight when cured. Since it's for me. I always have some left when I cure the next grow.
  2. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    The reason I asked the light intensity questions, is because I have read that led fixtures can burn the plants if too close, for the last ten grows with hps, I just put my hand at the plants top and if it wasn't too hot, good to go. 10 grows and no problems with light burn. Does anyone know...
  3. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    I will have to learn but I'm thinking it should be easier to balance than it was using exhaust and A/C with hps and mh and that wasn't too hard and didn't raise electric bill too much. I'm thinking of using the exhaust on a timer just for air exchange and rely on the A/C.
  4. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    Update: I finally decided to get LEDs to replace the hps and mh lights. I got two HLG 600 Rs. I have spent the last several days making the changes to the grow rooms. I have changed the exhaust set up since I am not pulling or pushing air through the lights. I already had a high mount fan in...
  5. gwhunran

    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    In Southwest :D
  6. gwhunran

    Is there a better way? attaching exhaust hoses to sealed 6" HID lights

    Is there a better way to attach exhaust hoses to sealed 6" HID lights? Clamps and tape seem to fail me sometime during a grow and 6" collars don't slide over the light openings. :(
  7. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    12 qt jars, down to ten now from shrinking and smoking :D
  8. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    I was considering doing one side first. My veg side so I could go straight into flower when ready, instead of waiting for the other side to finish
  9. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    Last grow, a few day before harvest. Black Domina, Sensi Seeds
  10. gwhunran

    2nd post, connected to double HVAC post from last week, step back and re-evaluate.

    It's a window unit but oriented vertically instead of horizonally. I didn't have a picture but it's a unit like this
  11. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    Personal use, so I don't get to caught up in exact yield but probably as much as 1/2 lb and as little as 1/4 lb depending on strain. Money to spend depends. If it's one of the "all in one" units and it goes out, do you just have to replace it or are they easily repairable. If they go out and...
  12. gwhunran

    HVAC splits?

    Update I ended up getting two vertical type AC units. I had to cut holes in my wall as the units were 14.5" wide and the distance between the wall studs was 14.5". One fit like a glove, the other required removing some material from the studs. I ran two grows and both units performed perfectly...
  13. gwhunran

    2nd post, connected to double HVAC post from last week, step back and re-evaluate.

    Update to this post. I ended up buying two vertical AC units and cut holes in the walls of my grow area as I had 14.5" space between studs. One fit like a glove the other required removing some material from the studs for a tight fit. The units performed perfectly and operating cost were not...
  14. gwhunran

    ? about LEDs, current HPS 600w and MH 400w user, experience 10 successful grows

    I use a 600w HPS for flower now, I want an LED that at least gives me the same yield given everything else being equal I have had my HID bulbs go out and one ballast go out and I have replacements ready to install. Most of LEDs I am seeing are one unit, Is the whole thing a piece of garbage if...
  15. gwhunran

    ILGM seeds mixed reviews

    Attitude and Seedsman. Quality seeds but you create your order and lets say its $150 and by the time you get to the end of checkout, it's now $250. I have found a domestic seller and my cost other than the beans was $5. So bye bye Great Briton and Netherlands. No I will not disclose seller.
  16. gwhunran

    Growing acronyms. Could someone give me a link

    growing acronyms, if it exist, post a link please.
  17. gwhunran

    The complete asshole response I just got from a General Hydroponics rep...

    I find my arguing with Customer Service reps has gotten worse as I age (over 60). I think going through the phone tree before getting to someone doesn't help my mood. :cool: