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  1. Timmahh

    Paitient change form "Add Caregiver" timeline? Lately...

    its an average of about 6 weeks regardless of the Card.
  2. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    I have to clean up the last line on this jpg. Its got the studders. lol The Petition is good I just messed up on the Not be NOt Be Not Be Affected. heh. Appreciate your sharing theMan! I need all the Interwebs helps I can get!
  3. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    They also keep it in the Family. Not surprisingly. Dow High was BUILT for Bully SchuItty
  4. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    I have lived in Midland since 1977. I first met Bull SchuItty in 1980. I know a thing or 3.
  5. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    So did Ford, Hearst, Standard Oil, The Bush Family, and the Purple Gang when they were rebranded as the Bureau of Tobacco & Firearms after the end of Alcohol Prohibition. Purple Gang set up shop to PROTECT THIER LEGAL RECREATIONAL ALCOHOL Market.
  6. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    No they are NOT. The MMM Act is STILL the TRUMP LAW of the Land. We need to quit Selling it short because the FUCKING ATTORNEYS are selling us OUT.
  7. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    Show me where in the MMM Act, it states Dispensaries are "Prohibited"? Been reading it for 9 years now and I have yet to find it even use the word Dispensary, let alone saying they are Prohibited.
  8. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    Which part of USE states No Dispensaries? Use very clearly makes Growing, Ingesting, Internal/External Posessionn, Acquisition, Transfer, Transport and Delivery, the last 4 of which all being directly related to a transfer of Possession, aka a SALE for ANY Patient. Correct me if I am mistaken...
  9. Timmahh

    STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

    Yes they are. Show me in the MMM Act where is says Dispensaries outlets are not legal. Not in some court or Bull SchuIttys Opine, but in the MMM Act.
  10. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    Interesting the MPP/MiLegalize Sellouts are saying You All WANT MORE LEO in your POT Gardens.
  11. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    We will be Dropping the PDF for People to download and Print the Petitions. We need funding to print and distribute 50,000 peititons as well Meetings around the state, Fundraisers, travel expenses, campaign expenses etc. So if you can Donate we could use it. I have some shirts for sale, and...
  12. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    . Here is the Langauge. It is Different that what is at the top of this page. Abrogate makes ALL Use of Cannabis LAWFUL with NO FInes, No Penalties, No limits, No Jail, No Arrest, No Bail, No Attorney, No Prison, No Parole, No MIsdemeanor, No Felony so long as you make NO ACTUAL Victim...
  13. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    They cant say that. They can not put words into a Constitution without the Vote of the People. They can not change it, they can not over write it, they can not do anything that would diminish or prohibit use. Ever read the Bill of RIghts? Constitution? The 1st 10 Amendments are one line...
  14. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    Prohibition does not need to be defined. It has its definition in the Mariam Websters Dictionary as well as Blacks Law Dictionary. You can not buy tomatoes at Wwalmart, rope at home depot, or pants at Kmart that have not been somewhat regulated for the Retail Marketplace. The only difference...
  15. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    Plant doesn't need to be defined, the cannabis plant means ALL Cannabis plants.
  16. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    Besides, the first couple states that go full repeal, will have to defend Federal Challenge. It will be Much Easier to fend off the Federal Challenge if the State has Financial Investments it wants to 'protect'. A use Tax will help the State fight against more Federal Encroachment. 3D chess...
  17. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    It only allows a possible 5% Capped excise tax on Retail-Recreational Only Sales. Which we the people will vote on, and have the ability to reduce or eliminate. The only thing Lansing and the State can do is offer we the people an option to change where the tax may be used, and by how much to...
  18. Timmahh

    2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

    Language is on the way to the BoE to gain Format Approval so we can get them printed out and put this thing to rest in Michigan, except for the Fight with the Feds... Who's in?
  19. Timmahh

    So you think Canada

    Is the Model of Recreational Pot you want to bring here because of Baby Steps? Are you really that Daft? This is from your Left wingnut Liberals to our north in Canada. The Northern Face of Legalized Recreational Pot showing you what is coming to your state. Drug Laws come down from the UN...
  20. Timmahh

    You think you hired a Lawyer to help you but you actually hired a foreign Agent to usurp your rights

    Cont. All other people are limited to only two branches of government and to only certain offices in those two branches of government, making all people who are non-lawyers into 2nd class subject citizens. When the courts belong to the people, as the United States Constitution REQUIRES, (Article...