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  1. 420

    Names for money

    £1 = a quid uk
  2. 420

    You guys have to see what i just did!!!!!!!!!!

    how do they manage to make and airtight seal at the intersection?
  3. 420

    Bump If You're Baked!

    3.8 grams is approx 1/8 oz £25 in uk i'm getting baked
  4. 420

    Ninja Tokers or Extreme Bonging

    this is a good idea someone should organise it
  5. 420

    Let's play the Telephone game, go to the last page.

    8 hookers charge $800 an hour in a brothel
  6. 420

    mailing green super idea

    i don't think customs have the time or resources to scan/x-ray every parcel
  7. 420

    Let's play the Telephone game, go to the last page.

    8 hookers flew to america to blow up the white house
  8. 420

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    zen follow your bliss
  9. 420

    You guys have to see what i just did!!!!!!!!!!

    nice joint! what is it called?
  10. 420

    Let's play the Telephone game, go to the last page.

    the hooker flew to america to meet the most famous person in the world, in a size eight dress
  11. 420

    did I talk to God or was it a hallucination?

    i've had mushroom trips where i became god. i've had LSD trips where i was in the presence of god. and yep i've seen hellish visions too. follow your bliss
  12. 420

    Let's play the Telephone game, go to the last page.

    the hooker was blowing obama president of the usa
  13. 420

    Meditate Me

    cool. i'll take a look
  14. 420

    Sex while High (Poll)

    yeah sex is good after a few puffs on a spliff. don't like to get too stoned though
  15. 420

    What kinda dreams do you get?

    i toke daily and i have awesome dreams each night. i fly and have fun. i think i'm going to learn lucid dreaming soon
  16. 420

    Would you rather have.....

    yeah take the hot babe. teach her the pleasures of her body over the months as you get to know her
  17. 420

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    a couple i know are getting divorced after a 4 year marriage. the guy says he has just realised he is gay
  18. 420

    did I talk to God or was it a hallucination?

    lots of ancient cultures and tribes used hallucinogenic plants to reach higher planes of consciousness. so yes, maybe you did see god
  19. 420

    yeah the first 5 mins is dull. but the rest is awesome.
  20. 420


    just adding to this BIG thread