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  1. chanceythegardener

    Moor light less bud growth??

    The shadow from my house straight line on the left. It moves straight across left to right as the day progresses.
  2. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    This was on July 12. Naked
  3. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Cloners Market in Seattle had them earlier in the year. I will rejuvenate her after bloom and let her be a mother. Watching her grow has been cool.
  4. chanceythegardener

    Moor light less bud growth??

    I use the shade of my house as natural light deprecation. I notice this effect on plants that are shaded earlier in the day than those that continue to get sun later in the day. I move my plants around until I hit the sweet spot. I have some Cantaloupe that is shaded early vs late sun...
  5. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Mendo purple kush and Coca-Cola bonsai
  6. chanceythegardener

    Chance's Garden 2015

    I put full size pics just for you. It hasn't regained it full bouquet after trimming but it is absolutely putrid; in a good way. When lit the smell is super pungent and loud. Very creamy, thick smoke like a tire fire. Tastes like a Cuban made, fine cannabis cigar. A bit more time on the vine.
  7. chanceythegardener

    Chance's Garden 2015

    Albert Walker, 7 1/2 weeks after showing pistils. Needs a couple more weeks. At 10 weeks it will help you fold space, time travel, remote view, speak fluent Mandarin and read you wife's mind.
  8. chanceythegardener

    doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

    I want a Yurt
  9. chanceythegardener

    Chance's Garden 2015

    Albert Walker 8 week sample.
  10. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    That patio is beautiful--well done, well done. You also incorporated them as a stunning additions to your landscaping. Very nice style. Mad skills dude.
  11. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    What type of gh do you have it looks awesome? w
  12. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    It's a shame to have to cut those down and lose all that nice shade.
  13. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    How'd the balut taste? Like Mexican chicken?
  14. chanceythegardener

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Chitral Kush
  15. chanceythegardener

    Ganja Farmer Hats

    The hat is boss, where'd you get it?