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  1. huey14

    Blue dream question

    The hos is not the real blue dream clone only blue dream was created in santa Cruz ca using original san Cruz haze cross to blueberry every other breeder selling wannabe blue dream or bd look alike always come out different they don't have the right mix
  2. huey14

    When to plant outdoors

    I would start them now because it going to take them a while to get out of the seedling stage about a month and a half
  3. huey14

    Supchaka's Massive Outdoor 2014 Grow

    If the wife only let's you do one plant for outdoor I would run it from seed you will get, a big plant and A lot more in return
  4. huey14

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    Started my in April 1 they are all veging nice
  5. huey14

    SF Backyard OPINIONS.

    Why not get some 100 gallon smart pots and use the soil out the ground and amend it
  6. huey14

    When are you putting the girls outside?

    My seedlings are out all ready and doing there thing I put them out April 1st
  7. huey14


    Unless your supplementing with lights don't put them outside till June first
  8. huey14

    Need your advice on temporary light schedule for seedlings.

    You don't have to supplement lighting put them outside they will be fine I started my beans outside the last week of March we are in spring the light is getting longer outside
  9. huey14

    doublejj's Big 2014 light dep greenhouse adventure.....

    I don't light depo the photo period outside is right for them to flower
  10. huey14

    doublejj's Big 2014 light dep greenhouse adventure.....

    I usually put my plants out early right now I have 50 sour d out in the greenhouse that are in week 4 of flowering they will be done by may 1
  11. huey14

    If you could only run one strain

    TGA timewreck hands down from seed every pheno was a keeper yield was great and the finish product is up there with og kush if not better
  12. huey14

    Granddaddy Purple's....Purple Dream

    Kens gdp is nothing more then gods gift and I know this for a fact because my brother in law works at his club and ken him self told him that He dose that a lot as we can see
  13. huey14

    Humboldt Seed Organisation proven LEGIT

    Hso is a bunch of Dutch breeders trying to cash in on the cali genetic s with there crap Dutch genetic s If you look at there video they rip off emerald triangle seeds video don't buy in to there bull shit
  14. huey14

    The Budologist's 2013 Organic/Outdoor Super Soil Grow

    Even if you use a are stone that doesn't remove the chlorine from the water because the city water puts chlorimine in the water which can not be romoved with the air stones your going to need a hydrologic system
  15. huey14

    Best dispensary cuttings in SF area

    Tell your friend to go to harborside in Oakland they havev a huge selection. But most place in the city don't sell clones any more with the whole fed thing going on they mostly sell seeds
  16. huey14

    girl scout cookies

    Jiggas room did but other people with in the circle had the same problem but un like jigga they vended the flowers with the seeds in them and that's how so many different gsc phenotypes came about. like animal cookies there is no fire og in it it was just a bag seed phenotype of gsc that yield...
  17. huey14

    girl scout cookies

    I am referring to everyone claiming to have the clones and selling them as gsc but swerve jackt jigga415 for the cut and I am not on swerves band wagon I fuck with the cookie fam so that how I know this but all the shit he was talking over his Twitter he had hella security aroud him at the cup...
  18. huey14

    girl scout cookies

    Not every one dose I know the group how made the gsc the sunset sherbet and the y but long story short he rob one of the growers with the cut and fem it but itshighly unstable
  19. huey14

    girl scout cookies

    Its not about him selling the seeds it that he rob some body for the cut that's how he got his hands on it he is bitch mad lil dick fag