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  1. warble

    Temp questions

    I've had 90° temps and my plants were fine. The thing to worry about is your root temps and bugs. They love the heat and sometimes heat comes with humidity.
  2. warble

    Does smoking weed daily increase hair loss?

    Been smoking weed since '82 started shaving my head in the 90's. Maybe there is something to it. What is wrong with going bald? Doesn't prevent you from hooking up. I like being stream lined. Some people cannot handle the aerodynamic efficiency. If you swim, you could proly shave a few...
  3. warble

    co2 question

    What kind of room do you have outdoors? Isn't a room the opposite of outdoors? 'Bout a pound.
  4. warble

    Help with leaf oddity!

    Mutant leaves happen. Doesn't mean she'll herm. Doesn't mean she won't. Balls are usually an indication of hermaphroditism.
  5. warble

    Branches breaking off by themselves.

    What is your RH? How much are they drinking? Have you stressed them out when they were young. I pinch the trunks and big branches at the base when they are young. Some times it makes the branches stronger.
  6. warble

    Brown spots on leaf tips, is it calcium deficiency? & Questions about LST

    900 ppm and you don't have tip burn. They do look very dark green. Very well done. How is your Ph? Could be a problem with calcium or magnesium.
  7. warble

    Indica 13 weeks- small buds

    My first thought was maybe the drainage is different for this one plant. Like maybe a dry zone in the soil. Are you sure there aren't any bugs? What are the temps? Are you feeding enough P and K? I imagine if your other plants are doing well, you are.
  8. warble

    How much time left for me auto?

    You have a good grow going. If she were dying, then I'd say yeah, maybe in fifteen days. She doesn't look like she's going anywhere. You have a lot of cloudy I didn't see any amber, but if that's the way you like her, then yeah give her a couple of weeks and chop. Under twelve twelve, and...
  9. warble

    How much time left for me auto?

    You could go more than ten or fifteen days. Are you lighting eighteen on six off?
  10. warble


    I use it for indoor. I get it from runoff from the roof and filter it through a cloth to keep out the gravel. It comes out to 33ppm and Ph of 7.5 Never had a problem. I don't boil, carbon or RO filter. My plants love it more than tap or even filtered.
  11. warble

    Deficiency help

    If you just up potted, then you need to let them adjust to the nutes in the soil. Looks like they are having trouble uptaking your nitrogen. What Ph is your runoff?
  12. warble

    Coco and ppm help

    What is your RH? Do you have the seedling domed? Is there any perilite in your coco? Are you oxegenating your feed?
  13. warble

    Ok SUPER DUMB Question

    Laws are just codified social norms. The bottom line is 'Don't get caught.' Especially if you are a good grower. If you need to interact with enforcers, do not consent to search, ask for a lawyer, then stay silent, do not give them a reason to kill your dog or yourself.
  14. warble

    Ph meeters

    I use the cap that comes with the probe. Like in the picture the one on the left isn't capped completely. Could be the reason for two different readings. Attention to detail, could be the difference between an okay grow and a good grow. Or I am too stoned to have a reasonable opinion.
  15. warble

    New grower need help

    They need Brawndo. Its got electrolytes.
  16. warble

    Are you cooking for Thanksgiving?

    For a second, I was thinking how'd FarmerFischer get to post a mirror?
  17. warble

    why is it called 'Super'?

    Could we rename it 'venti' silver haze and be done with it? How about quarantasette silver haze? I think 47 is the atomic number for silver.
  18. warble

    Is this seed goner?

    Are you asking about the tip of the tap root, being broken off? I think it has a chance. Maybe sprinkle some cinnamon on it and bury it a little deeper than usual. Not based on science, just what I'd do. The reason, I'm thinking that the longer it is in darkness the longer the root will be when...
  19. warble

    Question on CO2

    You're probably losing CO2, and you might not have optimal environmental conditions. Would your grow be better if you didn't run it at all? Maybe you could just dial in when would be the best times of light cycle you give CO2, to mitigate costs.
  20. warble

    Drooping issues

    Over watered. Get some more drainage in those cups.